Chapter Thirty: Rescuing the Riders

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The scheming takes a lot longer than I had planned. Seconds turn into minutes which drag by ever so slowly as decisions are made and materials are gathered. And the worst part is the continued looks I get from the suspicious dragon riders as they walk by me. I am already feeling worse than bad; they weren't helping.

After what seems like an eternity, the Dragon Riders finally form a plan and we set off on the backs of our dragons. Flying through the air, I feel much more at ease with my situation. Being on the back of a dragon makes one feel so much more powerful. I sigh, letting the worries flow out of me for the time being.

Then, they come crashing back as the Hunter ships come into view. I hadn't expected us to catch up so quickly, and it surprises me enough that I can't process the next few seconds. Catapults, Dragon Root arrow ballistas, and chains are all aimed in our direction as we soar overhead. The plan is simple. Get Astrid, Heather, and Hiccup onto three of the eight boats while the rest of us provide cover. Well, at least it had seemed simple while we were still at Dragon's Edge.

Blitzfire is barely able to avoid the weapons, let alone do damage to the practically indestructible ships. However, she certainly does more damage than the other Riders whose attacks aren't able to shock the metal ship with lightning.

Somehow, the three Dragon Riders going on the three ships turn out to be the Riders' main firepower. Once they are on board, the rest of us are left scrambling to defend ourselves and the Riders below deck.

Three boats of searching later, and the twins are still nowhere in sight. As the Riders disappear below deck again, I find Blitzfire tiring out. Looking around, I can clearly see the other three Riders' dragon's also floating around droopily, barely avoiding the attacks from the ships. Luckily, by this point in time, there are less Hunters and working long ranged weapons.

We continue to dodge and attempt to attack the almost indestructible ships until Fishlegs says, "Uh, guys? You might want to check this out." I fly over next to him and gasp. A total of five new ships are coming our direction, complete with chains, ballistas, and catapults.

"That's not the worst of it," Dagur calls out. I turn and see five more ships coming from the opposite side.

"Are you kidding me?!" I look at the ships with a feeling of dread.

"Hiccup, Astrid, and Heather still haven't come back up yet!" Fishlegs reminds us.

"But, there's no way we can fend off all of these ships!" retorts Snotlout.

"Maybe we don't have to," I murmur, a plan beginning to form in my head.

"WHAT?!" asks Fishlegs, zooming past me to avoid a chunk of rock.

"I said maybe we don't have to," I shout out to him. "We've been going about this all wrong!"

"What do you mean?" questions Dagur.

"Think about it! A ship isn't a living thing; it can't think for itself. If we push the Hunters overboard, or at least knock them unconscious, we won't have to deal with the attacks anymore!" I quickly reanalyze the situation. "Dagur! Start with those three boats over there and have Shattermaster knock the Hunters over." I point at the boats in question. "Fishlegs, you and Meatlug do the same for those three boats." I gesture towards them. "Snotlout, you take the boats the others haven't searched in to look for the twins."

He grumbles a quick, "Who put you in charge," before obeying.

I grin. "And I'll deal with the last four boats." I have Blitzfire fly over the said four boats and drop down onto one of them, daggers unsheathed. The Riders had been kind enough to give them back to me right before we left to save the twins. "Hello boys." I say, smirking. Then, I leap at them, shocking them and rendering them unconscious. It feels good to stretch out my muscles in combat as I leap and twist through the air like a Speed Stinger. Nothing even comes close to touching me, especially the arrows since I now know their effects on my body.

In less than ten seconds, the deck is devoid of movement, and I allow Blitzfire to pick me up and deposit me on to the next ship. I don't get shot, and I don't get distracted, which is an improvement from last time. Even as I knock out the last Hunter on the last ship, my heart is still pumping adrenaline through my veins.

I hop on to Blitzfire's back and realize Astrid and Heather have also joined the fight, although it looks as though we don't need it anyway. Most of the ships sit, almost empty, on the water, floating around without anything to guide them.

"Where's Hiccup?" I ask Astrid, flying over to her.

"He still hasn't come up yet," she says, frowning. "Should we..." I don't hear the rest of her sentence as a Hunter's voice booms through the still air.

"I have your leader! Stand down!" I turn and gasp as I see Hiccup, with a sword to his throat, standing in front of the twins in a cage and Toothless trying to escape room his muzzle.

"Hiccup!" A thousand thoughts flash through my mind, but the most prominent is he's your brother. Go save him. I narrow my eyes, analyzing the distance between Blitzfire and the Hunter ship. Luckily, Blitzfire is hovering relatively close and low to the ground. I stand up on Blitzfire as she nervously turns her head in my direction.

What are you doing? she sparks nervously.

"Saving my brother," I reply. Then, I take three giant steps across Blitzfire's back before catapulting into the air. I twist around till I manage to land on the Hunter holding Hiccup hostage, knocking him to the floor. My knees buckle, and I roll on to the floor. I quickly get up and untie Hiccup.

"Go!" I say to him, pointing at Toothless. "I'll get the twins." He nods his head and races off to free his dragon. I go to the twins' cage and quickly work on the lock, thanking Thor that it can picked.

As the wires click into place, searing hot pain lances through my left leg, and I cry out in pain. Looking down, I see the Hunter from earlier, with a new cut on his face and a evil smile, has stabbed me in the thigh with a Dragon Root sword from his place on the ground. Grunting, I take out one of my daggers and, just as he is about to stab me again, I manage to electrocute him.

Wincing as my leg throbs with pain, I manage to not look at the wound, determined to not pass out before I rescue the twins. Already, I can feel the effects of the Dragon Root coursing through me, but I ignore it, instead opening the cage door and letting the twins and their dragon escape.

"Hurry," I croak. "Go!"

"What about you?" asks a concerned Tuffnut. I point to where Blitzfire has just landed on the boat. "Oh, right." We all get on our respective dragons, although I am limping the entire time. Once on Blitzfire, I allow myself to relax and, before I know it, sleep has taken over.

Hey everyone! Thirty chapters! What a milestone! Thanks for reading! My schedule has finally cleared up, and I feel like Summer has officially started for me! Hopefully, this means more updates.😁 I'm going to try to update this every weekend, if not more, so expect an update in a week!
Thanks for the support!

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