Chapter Thirty-seven: Gone

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a month later...

I am woken in the middle of the night by the sound of a thud and someone cursing. My eyes flick open and my hand inches towards one of my daggers, grasping the hilt so I could easily attack whoever it is in the room. The last few weeks had been pretty boring. My half siblings and the other Riders had been busy most of the time and hardly  had any time to keep me company. So, it was pretty much the same routine every day. Wake up, eat, help around the village, clean up the cave a little more, eat again, rest with Blitzfire, help out some more, be scolded by Gothi because I had used my leg too much throughout the day, eat once again, and finally go to sleep. The prospect of an enemy here in this room is honestly exciting compared to all the other things I had been doing.

Trying to listen through the heartbeat pounding in my ears, I stay as still as I possibly can. My leg is certainly feeling better than it had been, but I doubt I could outrun whoever is already in the room. That leaves me one option: defensive attacks.

Ears straining for any noise, I thank the fact that the person had made any noise at all. In the still of the night, I could've heard a pin drop, but I can't hear any breathing or footsteps. Maybe it was my imagination? I squeeze the handle of my dagger tighter just in case, already feeling sweat making it more difficult to grasp.

Then, through the darkness of the room, I can just make out the outline of a hand coming down onto my face...

I dodge out of the way and thrust my dagger at the hand. Whoever it is pulls their hand away just in time, yelping in surprise. I leap to my feet. "Who are you?" I ask, holding my one dagger in front of me.

"Dearie me," says the person. "Calm down, Draira! It's me, Johann!"

"Oh." I lower my dagger. I tilt my head. "What are you doing here?"

"I deeply apologize for sneaking up on you so late in the night," he starts nervously. "I happened to be in the area when I heard a peculiar sound on my boat. As you can imagine, I was quite frightened by it and decided maybe you could help?" He says the last part as a question, and I'm sure if I could see his face it would be scrunched in uncertainty.

I sigh and smile. "Of course I'll help." I strap on my sheath and place my daggers inside. Then, I open the door and motion for him to go out first. "Lead the way."

"Thank you ever so much!" he says as we walk. "I wasn't sure if you would really help me!"

"I always help my friends," I remind him cheerfully, wincing as I remember the mistakes that had led me to that conclusion.

"Right, of course." Johann is strangely silent the rest of the way to his boat. When we arrive at the docks, he stutters, "I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather stay here, out of harm's way.."

"No problem." I take out my daggers, turn around, and quietly start to approach his boat.

"Sorry," whispers Johann.

"Wha...?" I ask before something hits my head, I feel a shoot of pain go through my head, and the world goes black.

*     *     *

Blitzfire wakes up in the dark cave she had slept in for the last month. Draira had occationally brought back things, so now it looks comfortable and homey with things such as a table, a bed for Blitzfire, and a chair for Draira. Besides that, Draira had also cleaned the place up till it shined. All in all, it now longer is the gloomy Whispering Death cave that it once was.

Blitzfire gets up and stretches her great wings, opening her mouth in a great yawn. Faint light from the outside had woken her up, which is her cue to fly to Hiccup's house and grab Draira for their daily activities.

A great rumbling noise comes from her stomach, and she looks down at it, frowning slightly. She flies out of the cave and quickly catches some fish for breakfast. Once she has had her fill, she lazily makes her way over to Stoick's hut. Landing outside, she roars loud and clear so Draira could hear her.

She waits for a long time before getting impatient and roaring again. Still, no answer. Growling low in her throat, she nudges the door that is already slightly ajar from Stoick leaving for his chiefly duties. Opening it all the way, she bounds up to the loft where Draira is staying.. only to find it empty. Snorting in surprise, she sniffs around for her Rider's scent, finding it stale as if Draira had only slept for the first part of the night.

Flying back outside, Blitzfire follows the old Draira scent to the docks where it abruptly stops. Sparking with worry, Blitzfire searches everywhere for a start up of the scent, but it is nowhere to be found.

There is only a few clouds in the sky this day, but somehow, Blitzfire manages to draw huge amounts of lightning from them, howling out in anguish as the biggest stream of lightning she had ever produced flows from her and into the sky.

The vikings, noticing the spectacle, start to crowd around the Skrill, still keeping their distance for fear of getting hit by the sparks of lightning coming off of the dragon.

The Riders push their way to the front just as Blitzfire's lightning is dying down. She collapses onto the floor with anguish clearly written in her green eyes.

Hiccup tries approaching her with a hand out in front of him. "Hey there. It's okay girl, I'm not here to hurt you..." Blitzfire growls at him, narrowing her eyes and sparking weakly.

Tuffnut looks around him, his eyes suddenly alight with worry. "Uh, Blitzfire?" He asks, coming up to her slowly. Blitzfire let's him, though she still raises her head and tries to look menacing. "Where's Draira?" At the sound of her Rider's name, Blitzfire lowers her head again and gives out a sound like a whine. Tuffnut turns to the others. "We need to find her."

Ooh, Draira has disappeared. What do you think happened?

And this is where I am finished publishing my abundance of chapters unless you guys absolutely beg me for, 'just one more', I'm not going to publish anymore today. You guys will just have to wait till next weekend.


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