Chpater Thirty-six: Exploring

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Tuffnut finishes his story, and I am up left with my jaw almost dropping off of my face. "I attacked you guys?! Oh my Thor, I am so sorry..."

"Eh, it's no biggie," shrugs Dagur. "Luckily, there was eight of us against one of you."

"Don't you mean nine?" I ask. "Or are you not including Gothi?"

"No, I meant eight. Snotman was knocked out so early that he hardly even counted," he sniggered.

"Oh yeah.. is he ok?"

"He's fine," Hiccup assures me. "The only thing that was bruised is his ego."

"Good." I sigh in relief. "The last thing I want is for someone to be hurt on my account."

"So, do you know why someone would hypnotized you to lose your memory?" asks Hiccup.

"Or who would've hypnotized you?" adds Tuffnut.

I shake my head. "Unfortunately, no." I sigh. "But it seems whoever it is erased all of my memory of Blitzfire before I re-met her."

"Yeah, apparently," says Dagur.

Awkward silence fills the room. "Welp," I say. "I should get going. I've got a whole island to explore." I slowly get up and grasp my crutches. As I limp slowly away, my foot twists under me, and I cry out. Just as the fall becomes imminent in my mind, Tuffnut, somehow from the other side of the room, catches me. I blush and quickly steady myself. "Thanks," I murmur, blushing harder still. What is wrong with me? I try to hide my beet red face by turning around to face my dragon and hopping on her.

Ooh, this is juicy. Do you like him? Blitzfire crackles.

I blush harder still. "Just get us out of here please." Blitzfire finally obliges, although I can tell she's still smirking from under me.

We fly across they island, and I try to spot anything interesting. No matter how hard I look, the island still looks like the typical place for vikings to live.

What exactly are you looking for? asks Blitzfire. I swear you're dosing off up there.

"I'm not dozing off," I protest, snapping open my droopy eyelids. "And I'll know it when I see it!"

Sure, sure. Blitzfire says. There's a pregnant pause. But.. could you also be thinking about Tuffnut?

I blush. I had been thinking about Tuffnut a little. I hadn't realized I had liked him so much till he was so close to me. I can still feel his hands where they caught my shoulders. And now, I wonder when my feelings for him had begun to fester.

I shake my head. There are more important things to think about right now. I focus back on the scenery just in time to see a cave in the side of the island. "Hey Blitzfire, look over there." She responds before I even finish by tilting towards the cave and spiraling down to land in the entrance.

I touch the edge of the cave entrance from atop Blitzfire's back, not trusting myself to get off properly. "This looks like a Whispering Death tunnel," I murmur, tracing the ringed lines with one finger.

I'm sure the Riders would've known if a Whispering Death came to their island. Blitzfire argued. I imagine the dark green snake-like dragons with a bulging head with rotating teeth and blind looking eyes and a light green underbelly.

"Yeah, you're right. But, I think they did know and scared it off." I smile. "They certainly would be up to the task."

Are you thinking of Tuffnut again?

I blush. "No. This time, I was thinking of the Riders as a whole, and Hiccup's great leadership skills."

Sure, sure.

I groan. I'm never going to hear the end of this. My eyes trail to the inky black depths of the beyond soul of the earthen tunnel. "What do you think is in there?" I ask.

Why don't we find out? She doesn't wait for an answer.

We travel through the dark tunnel, searching for anything interesting. Well, I say we, but Blitzfire is the one doing the most searching since her eyes can see better in the little light. There are some torches on the wall, but they have long since been snuffed out. It makes me wonder how long this tunnel had been here.

Eventually, the tunnel we are in widens out into a cave with a bunch of tunnels branching out of it. Broken crates and Whispering Death egg shells are scattered on the floor. I finally get off Blitzfire, too curious to care about my hurt leg. I limp over and inspect the crates. "These look really old," I observe. "They've rotted so much, I would think they've been here for over a year." I go over to the shells and hunch down, picking one up. It dissolves in my hand. "Yeah, these are from a very long time ago."

Who do you think left them here? asks Blitzfire.

"Someone who wanted to do harm to the Riders," I guess. "Clearly that failed." I turn around in a circle. "Well, what do you think? Should we make this our 'stay away from civil human beings' place?"

Consider it done. smirked Blitzfire. She starts sparking violently. I step back slightly, worrying at what she is doing. Then, a torrent of blue and white lightning erupts from her mouth. I can't help it; I stare. Sure, I had seen her fight many an enemy, but I was always on her back. I never got to see the full glory of her attacks.

When the lightning dies down, I see spots in front of my eyes on account of the light being so bright. I blink them away. Looking around me, I notice everything had been promptly cleared out of the room. Or more like exploded out of existence.

"Well, that's one way to clean up a place," I say, shocked and still in awe.

We stay and talk for the next half hour, and then I leave Blitzfire to her own devices so that I can check out the blacksmiths. It turns out to be pretty boring, nothing like what I had remembered blacksmiths to look like when I was younger.

By then, the sun had began to set. I bump into Hiccup who tells me I can stay at his place for the next weeks as I heal. Since he and Stoick had some work to do, I go to the house by myself. The inside is structured similar to Hiccup's hut on the Edge, and I can't help wondering if he had felt homesick. I go up the stairs on the left side into the attic where a bed is set up. Hiccup had told me this is where I could sleep. Sighing, I lay down and drift slowly off to sleep.

So, what do you guys think of Drainut? Is it the most amazing thing ever? Or the worst? I'm publishing one more chapter today and posting the other three next week. At this rate, I'll finish the book by the time school starts😁!
Tysm for reading,

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