Chapter Thirty-five: Talk

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We fly in silence for awhile before anyone says anything. "So.." I say awkwardly, trying to think of what to say. "What's his name?" I point at the Rumblehorn.

"SkullCrusher," he replies. "Found him at Dragon's Edge destroying everything. Hoho, he was a feisty one. Turns out, he just was trying to get them to leave because of a flood that would've wiped them all out."

"Wow." I stare off into the distance. "Dragons impress me more every day." I feel Blitzfire puff up in pride beneath me, and I grin.

We keep flying some more. "Did Gobber already give you a tour of the island?"

"Yep. Although, I'm still probably going to explore Berk sooner or later. Lately, I've found that not everything is as it appears on first glance." I chuckle. "Plus, I know for a fact that Blitzfire will want to sleep as far away from the humans as possible."

Excuse me. It's not my fault all of your kind are so loud and noisy. huffs Blitzfire. At least dragons have the decency to be quiet every now and again.

"So you agree that you want to sleep far away from everyone else."

Yes. I snort in amusement. You're one to talk. I'm sure your just as eager to go hide in a hole for the night.

"True. But, unlike you, I enjoy socializing even if I don't do it that often."

Fair enough.

I turn to my left to see Stoick studying me. "Hiccup told me you could communicate with your dragon, but I never truly believed it until now." SkullCrusher lands with a thud on the ground, and Blitzfire follows soon after. I notice we have arrived at the Great Hall. "Come in lass. We have a lot to discuss." He opens the great doors as I warily get off Blitzfire and limp over to him, the Skrill following close behind.

The first thing I notice are the statues of viking chiefs of old carved into stone statues to our right and left. Then, I see the huge columns that seem to hold up the the mountain itself. No time to pause, I stare past them and see long, rectangular wooden tables surrounding a larger stone cylinder table with a similar but smaller hole in the middle where a fire is blazing. Banners are hung on the walls as well as pictures of the chiefs with their sons and different murals of Berk's history. "Wow," I breathe, awed by the sheer manpower it must've taken to build all of this. "This is incredible."

"Aye. It's really something." Stoick leads me to one of the long wooden tables as I stare around me, drinking in every last detail of the place.

Finally, I look at the table we have arrived at. Sitting there is Dagur, Heather, Astrid, Hiccup, and the twins. "Um.. what's going on?"

"We're here to discuss a certain.. issue that has recently come up," Heather says.

"And we're here for emotional support," pipes up Tuffnut pointing to himself, his sister, and Astrid.

"Emotional support for who...?" I ask, sitting down, before I am interrupted.

"Are you our sister?" blurts out Dagur. My words die in my throat. They know. I gulp and attempt a smile.

"You know, maybe the Dragon Root has gotten to my brain because I just heard you ask if I'm your sister."

Oh come on! They know so stop denying it! sparks Blitzfire from behind me.

"You're not helping," I mutter under my breath.

"I heard you say something about Hiccup being your brother to Blitzfire before you went to save him. We looked into it and Stoick told us your heritage," explains Astrid.

"Ah, I see." I curse myself for being so loose lipped although I hear Blitzfire chuckle behind me. "Then I suppose I can't deny it."

"How did you figure it out?" asks Stoick.

"Well..." I look to Blitzfire for help.

She sighs. You might as well tell them. The twins already know.

I turn back to the Riders. "Well," I repeat, tensing as I prepare for them to be angry at me. "I might've sort of gone to Vanaheim?" I didn't get the outburst I was expecting, instead only murmurs of understanding and realization. I relax ever so slightly. "You're not mad?"

Dagur laughs. "She thinks we would be mad." He looks closer at my face. "Oh, you're serious."

"We're many things right now, but being angry is not one of them," Hiccup assures me. I feel the tension ooze out of me.

"Wait... you never told them we went to Vanaheim?!" asks Tuffnut.

Hiccup slowly turns to the twins. "What do you mean we?"

"We followed Draira to make sure she was ok," says Ruffnut. "It wasn't our fault that we ended up on Vanaheim."

"You do realize we explicitly told you not to go there without us right?" asks Astrid.

"Yeah, but we were with Draira," points out Ruffnut, rolling her eyes. Hiccup facepalms.

"I have a question lass," speaks up Stoick. I turn to him. "How did you escape your island without dying." I wince. So... They all know about your island's end.

"You told them?"

He raises an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I?" I wince again realizing I had said that out loud.

"No reason. Sorry." I stare off into space. "I actually don't know how I escaped the island." I furrow my brow. "I remember running away from flaming arrows flying out of the sky, my father telling me to run. Then, hiding in the bushes, thinking everything was ok until the arrows came again, burning everything. There were people everywhere, screaming and running." I choke back a sob. "I remember men came out of the shadows and killed every dragon, every human." Tears are dangerously close to escaping my eyelids, but after a moment of pause, they quickly gone. I'm done crying. "Then... I ran. Like a coward." I spat the name out with as much hatred for it that I could muster.

"You weren't a coward lass..." Stoick says gently.

I turn on him. "You weren't there. It was my fault those men were able to come into our village in the first place. And, my father told me to stay where I was, and I still ran! So don't tell me I wasn't a coward. I may have been young, but I wasn't stupid." I take in big gulps of air and notice everyone staring at me. "Sorry."

"So..." says Heather, trying to break the awkwardness. "What happened next?"

I frown. "That's the strange thing. I don't remember."

"And you didn't remember Blitzfire either, right?" asks Stoick.

I shrug. "Apparently not. In fact, I didn't even know she existed until Viggo's place."

"Almost as though it were wiped from your memory," realizes Hiccup. "What if that's why she was hypnotized?"

"I'm sorry.. what?" I ask, wondering if Hiccup is going insane. "I was hypnotized?"

"It's a long and strange story," warns Ruffnut.

"Well, I have nowhere else to be," I say, shrugging.

The Riders share a look with each other. "Ooh, I call telling!" shouts Tuffnut, raising his hand.

"Go ahead," says Hiccup.

"Ok, it all started when Gothi decided to mess with your head by hypnotizing you to tell us who hypnotized you years ago..."

Yay! There are (almost) no more secrets between everyone! I'll admit it, we are getting very close to the climax of the story. Just a reminder though, there are spoilers to seasons 5 and 6 even though this happens right after season 4. So, read at your own risk! Also... 200 likes! I initially thought it was 191, but I reloaded it and realized it's now 200!
Thanks for the views, comments, and likes! I appreciate them all!

There will be at least two more chapters posted today, although I have already made six! Who knew one could have so much time to write and so much inspiration to write with on a fourteen hour road trip.

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