Chapter Twenty-two: Loki Day part four

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"Ugh! Why won't these things work!" The extremely loud voice that I had began to hate wakes me from my sleep. I keep my eyes closed in a hope to figure out what is going on before I let Carn know I'm awake. "They just look and act like ordinary knives!" I notice that I am once again tied to a chair in what I presume to be my hut. "Come on! Electrocute! ELECTROCUTE!" I finally understand what Carn is doing and open my eyes a fraction. In front of me, Carn is waving my fake daggers around continuously, trying to get lightning to shoot out of them. He sees my eyes are open almost instantly, and he storms over. Standing imposingly in front of me, he growls, "You better tell me how these work right now or..."

"Or what?" I ask pointedly, deciding it is useless to try and fake sleeping. The confidence that fills me is surprising. "I heard the ruckus outside, and I'm sure my dragon escaped. Which means that any second now, the Dragon Riders are going to figure out what's going on."

He snarls and throws one of the daggers. It whizzes just past my cheek and hits the wall behind me. Leaning in, he puts the other one dangerously close to my throat. "Then you better tell me quickly, or they'll only find your dead body."

I gulp and manage to squeak out, "They're fakes. My friends replaced them as a Loki Day trick. You never would've even been able to touch the real ones without getting shocked."

"You're lying."

"Am I? Or do you just not want to believe that I'm right." He glares at me before tossing aside the other dagger. It embeds itself into the wall on my right.

"If I find out you're lying.." he warns as he gestures for the Hunters to dispose of knives.

"Lucky I'm not," I interrupt him. He glares at me before storming out of the hut. I sigh in relief as tension, that had been previously unnoticed, seeps out of my shoulders. He scares me more than I care to admit... I crane my neck to look around my hut again. Nothing much had changed except that everything is now gone from it and fewer, yet more tough looking, Hunters stand guard around me. The ropes around my wrists have been tightened to an almost unbearable degree, and my hands are cold from the lack of blood flow. There's almost no way I'm escaping in my state... at least, not without help. I sigh, trying to reassure myself that Blitzfire would warn the Riders before the Hunters figured out a way to escape.

Hurry up Dragon Riders...

* * *

Blitzfire lands outside the Clubhouse with a great thud and promptly collapses on to the wooden floor. She has scars across her hide and dragon tipped arrows sticking out of her hide.

"What happened to her?" asks Astrid as Hiccup holds up his hand to calm the hurt dragon.

"I don't know," replies Hiccup, a frown creased over his face. "But she came from inland, which means that whoever did this to her is on the island."

"Wait. There are Dragon Hunters? Here?" Snotlout's face portrays a mixture of shock, fear, and anger. "How did they even get past the sentries, let alone us?"

"Haha! I knew it!" exclaims Tuffnut with a triumphant look on his face.

When he doesn't speak further, Hiccup raises an eyebrow and asks, "Care to enlighten us?"

"Since I am so hard to prank, being the master prankster myself, Draira clearly had to recruit Carn to even come close to pranking me. This is clearly all a part of their devious trap to fool me!"

Everyone stares at Tuffnut for a while before bluntly ignoring him as Fishlegs says, "Hiccup, if there are Hunters on the island, we have to consider the fact that either Draira or Carn could be conspiring against us."

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