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"What he meant to say is thanks for your hospitality, but we must be going," Amaya butted in, shooting Mick a harsh glare as they all looked to Nate to leave.

"No, I didn't," Mick grunted back, Callie elbowing him in the back to shut up.

"Amaya's right. Nate, let's go." Sara ordered, turning around to see if Callie had spotted anything from her lookout that would prevent them from making a quick escape.

"I can't. We can't leave." Nate informed them, all of them turning back to look at him in shock.


"Masako's supposed to marry the Shogun Tokugawa lemitsu," Nate began to explain, ignoring how Callie had scaled the large tree next to the house. She was being deadly serious about looking out for them all, especially as seeing from heights was a better advantage point.

"Yeah, met him. Not a fan," Sara muttered, half of her attention on Nate and the other half keeping a close eye on Callie as she knew the exactly body attitude to look out for if the girl saw anything out of order.

"Well, the reason he sticks out in the history books is because he likes to murder his wives, and I can't leave Masako to his mercy," Nate explained.

"Especially since he stole my ATOM suit," Ray agreed, hoping that Nate wouldn't kick off about that minor detail.

"Exactly. Wait, what? You let the Shogun steal a 21st century super-suit?" Nate yelled, not believing how stupid they were being when they came to rescue him.

"After I crash-landed trying to rescue you!" Ray yelled, fed up of being accused for things as if he was just stupid enough to let them happen.

"How does the Shogun even know how to operate your ATOM suit?" Callie asked, all of them turning to face her in the tree - they had all forgot she was there except from Sara. She looked down, waiting on her answer.

"I designed it so an idiot could use it," Ray said, almost proudly. Callie guessed this kind of made some sense as Felicity had managed to use it that one time to save Oliver but then again the blonde techie wasn't exactly an idiot.

"An idiot does."

"Guys, bottom line is, if the Shogun has the ATOM suit, it's not just Masako and the village we have to protect. He can use it to conquer the whole region," Nate emphasised, and then the rest of the team realised what a mess they had gotten themselves into.

"You said the Shogun's coming for your new girlfriend."


"Easier to defend a village than to attack a castle," Ray pointed out, catching on to Sara's plan of attack.

"But anyone who tries to fight the Shogun will be cut down!" Amaya added her input, Callie being almost hurt in the lack of faith Amaya had in the team's fighting abilities but as she though about it, she didn't blame the woman. When her team had fought theirs, it was apparent they couldn't work as a team.

"Except if that person is made of steel," Sara confirmed.

"About that, I'm having a little problem accessing my powers."

"Sounds like you're having performance issues, and it looks like you're not done training him yet. Now the rest of us need to figure out how we can defend a village," Sara spoke, nodding to Callie who jumped down from the branches of the tree. The team all jumped slightly in surprise but rolled their eyes once they saw it was just Callie again.

"Not me. Wake me up when the action starts," Mick grunted, Amaya scoffing and following the two assassins.


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