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"We're going to get her back."

"Sara, none of us know Callie well enough to go in with you," Stein stated, confirming the plan that was laying itself out in Sara's mind. The girl released Callie's hand, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before looking at the rest of the team.

"No, but I know someone in Star City that does."


Oliver paced the base, a hand rubbing between his eyebrows as Thea, Felicity and Diggle watched him pace frantically. They had seen him stressed before, but this was something else.

"Wait, WHAT?" Thea yelled, disbelief written all over her face as her brother relayed the phone call he had just received.

"Callie's not herself," he repeated, having explained the story once already. He paced frantically around he platform, checking his watch as they waited on Sara to arrive back in 2017.

"Sara needs you because you know her better than anyone else, right?" Diggle checked, making sure he was getting all of the facts right for the procedure they were about to do.

Oliver sighed, sharing a look with Thea as they remembered the secret that they had never really informed Felicity and Diggle about. He turned back to look at the two of them, a sheepish look on his face.

"Callie and I have always been close, but for a while it was... in a different way," he clarified, hinting at what they thought he was hinting at. Felicity was stunned into silence for potentially the first time in her life as she thought about the idea of the two archers being a couple. "But we realised we were better as friends, although we still know more about each other than the average friend would."

There was silence as Diggle and Felicity tried to process the information.

Just as Oliver went to reach into his pocket to phone the assassin, the elevator doors opened and she rushed in, Ray helping her to carry Callie into the base.

The arrow team jumped up, with Diggle and Oliver helping the two of them to place the smaller girl on the medical table that was in the middle of the room. Felicity held on to Thea's hand as they watched their former teammate lay unconscious on the table before them, her hair much different to how she had last seen them.

"Sara," Diggle breathed, reaching to place a hand on her arm as he tried to even comprehend the pain she must be going through. The girl smiled sadly back before turning to look at Oliver.

"The two of us need to do this, we're the only ones who can bring her back."


Sara jolted upwards as she came to. She blinked frantically, trying to allow her eyes to adjust to her new surroundings. While she knew from her experience in Rip's mind that the area was the place that felt most like home, she hadn't really realised that Callie's mindscape base area was going to be the Queen Manor.

Beside her, Oliver also shot up from the ground as he breathed heavily. He took a few deep breaths as he grabbed Sara's hand to help him to his feet while studying his surroundings and coming to the same decision as Sara - this was his home.

"So you said in Rip's mind you had to fight yourself?" He questioned, wondering if that would be the same case here. Sara nodded, also concerned about fighting herself again.

"Yeah, but it seems remarkably different here," she noted, noticing the seemingly natural sunlight that was filtering through the windows of Oliver's old bedroom.

The two left the room, slowly moving down the long corridor as they walked through the manor hallways. There was nothing off here - even the Queen's old maid had walked by and said hello as if it was just another normal day.

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