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"SARA!" Amaya yelled as she gripped on to Callie, turning the girl directly into the path of the gun that Ray had made. She gasped at it hit her, causing her mind to blank for a moment before she too noticed the predicament that she was in.

"What?" She mumbled before her hand was tugged away, her feet stumbling as she tried to keep up with the blonde that was running in front of her.

"Callie, I love you, but please hurry up!" Sara yelled, shoving her in front of her.


"There's just one thing I don't understand," Jax said, having been picked up and reverted to his original state by Callie, Sara and Amaya on their exit from Star Labs. "If Thawne made this world to punish us, how are your mom's sandwiches so good, bro?" He asked, holding up one of the sandwiches that had been made for them all.

Callie hummed in agreement, already moving on to her third sandwich of the hour. She knew that Sara was watching her from the corner of her eye with approval and almost pride at the speed that Callie was clearing the sandwiches out at, even if there were much bigger issues at hand for them to face.

"Her condiment game's on point, right?" Nate hummed, moving away from the door of the basement and back towards where the group were all gathered round. He smiled slightly at Callie, noticing how Sara was refusing to stand less than a metre away from the other assassin. He felt his heart pang slightly as he had to remind himself that he and Amaya would never be able to have that.

"She even had gluten-free bread for me!" Ray exclaimed, chucking as he ate his sandwich.

Mick was fed up of the faffing around and just wanted to leave the alternate reality that they had found themselves in. He hated seeing the team this hopeless even if he didn't get along with them most of the time. "Look, let's just get back to the ship."

"We don't know where the ship is, or Rip, which means our next move should be to rescue the Professor," Sara said, instantly allowing herself to fall back into her captain persona. Callie smirked as she ate her sandwich, feeling slightly turned on at the authority that laced her voice as the girl moved in front of her.

"Speaking of which, what did Thone have you to working on?" Ray asked Jax, his dodgy hat still perched backwards on his head. Callie smiled slightly before allowing the seriousness of the situation to get to her and turn back into a stoic facial expression.

"Grey did most of the work, and I just made his life hell. But from what I could tell, he was building some sort of reactor. He said it would burn a thousand times hotter than the sun once it's operational," Jax replied, standing up and moving to stand near Callie. The girl didn't say anything but she knew from previous experience and her expert eye that the boy found comfort from standing near her.

"I like the sound of that," Mick grumbled, the thought of the heat almost interesting him.

Callie scoffed, rolling her eyes as she looked at the man. "Of course you do."

"Could be a power generator, a particle accelerator," Ray listed off, ignoring Callie and Mick's bickering in the background. Sara suddenly paused, causing Callie to cut off her argument and turn to pay full attention to her girlfriend.

"What if Thawne is trying to destroy the Spear?"

"Uh-uh, impossible," Nate but in, knowing that the way to destroy the spear had been something they had already failed to achieve. "You need the blood of Christ to destroy it. That's why Rip broke it up into so many pieces."

"Unless he figured out there's another way, by incinerating it!" Sara pointed out, looking to see if Callie was following her train of thought.The raven-haired girl nodded before looking over at Amaya who still was trying to keep up with their theory.

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