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"That's right. We trusted him, and he screwed us over!" Stein growled, but Callie shook her head. She opened her eyes as she allowed herself to glare across the room at him.

"Did we trust him? I mean, admit it, we never really did, and he picked up on it."

The team continued to bicker for a moment, eventually settling on the hope that the Legion wouldn't know how to use the spear in the end. Sadly for the legends, they were unaware that the spear had just been activated at that very moment.




"Shut up."

Callie rolled her eyes as her brother simply laughed at her, pushing her away from him with a nudge of his shoulder. The girl glared at him for a moment before finding her lips curling into a smile as she playfully pushed her twin in return. 

"Dad's calling, I'll be back in a minute," Tommy told her, ruffling her hair as he stood up and answered the call to their father. Callie smiled as he walked away, glad that he was back from Chicago for once.

It had been a while since she had last seen him, but there was something about having seen him this trip that made it feel like it had been significantly longer since they last met. Her heart felt heavy at the sight of him, but she simply placed that down to having felt lonelier than usual since it had been discovered that her old best friend was one of those stupid vigilantes. 

A knock on the door caused her to look up, a small scowl falling on her face as she noticed the leather-clad blonde enter the room. She stood with her hands clasped in front of her, a similar scowl on her face as she looked towards the raven-haired girl.

"Miss Merlyn," she spoke, trying to avoid making direct eye contact with her.

"Lance," Callie breathed, standing up and walking towards the woman. The woman continued to look away from her, following the exact orders that Damien Darhk had given her when she had joined the team. Sara Lance knew that she was beneath the Merlyn's and that was her place in the world.

"Your brother said you requested to see me," Sara spoke, knowing the exact reason that Tommy had sent her to see Callie.

"Oh did he?" Callie mused, reaching a hand out to place it on the side of Sara's face. The blonde breathed in slightly at the soft and sudden contact before returning to being neutral. "I guess he knows what I'm craving," she began, leaning forward until her teeth scraped the top of Sara's ear. "Who I'm craving."

The blonde ignored the heirarchy status that the girls fell in to, pulling her close and connecting their lips. Callie smirked into the kiss as Sara began to push her backwards and towards the couch that the girl had risen from.

The Merlyn leaned back as Sara moved herself to the couch, her hands gently pushing back on Callie's shoulders as she fell into her lap. Their lips were pressing against each other ferociously, as if the taste of each other was the only oxygen they needed. Callie moaned lightly into Sara's mouth as she wound her hands into the girl's hair, not caring that her father was literally only in the room next door with his associates. Callie placed a hand on Sara's back as she pulled her as close as she could, the other hand tangled deeply into her hair.

Her hands wove their way once more through Sara's hair, before moving across the girl's body. Callie moaned as Sara attached her lips exactly on her neck where she knew the girl was sensitive the most, nibbling and nipping at the exposed flesh. As Sara found Callie's soft spot the girl whimpered and the blonde sucked and bit at it, causing the skin to swell slightly. Callie pushed Sara's head back to her lips, aware of the mark that would be forming on her skin.

falcon [sara lance]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora