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"What makes her so super? Well?" Jax asked, not convinced.

Barry motioned to Kara and they all watched as she suddenly started levitating above them, her eyes shooting out dual lasers that burned a large S shape in a diamond into the ground behind them. Callie and Sara both shrugged at the same time, taking this as an acceptance to her being classed as Supergirl.

"I'm convinced." Diggle muttered, not wanting to take his eyes off the sight in front of him. It had already been a long day for the man and this was just making things even weirder.

"Best. Team-up. Ever!"


"Okay. I think I have this," Kara started as she thought over the briefing she had just been given by everyone on who was who. She turned to look at team arrow, a smile on her face as she pointed to each one individually.

"Oliver," Kara started, looking at the grumpy man.

"Green Arrow," he replied, not in the mood to be wasting time on stupid introductions such as this one.

"Dig," Kara continued, not wasting time.

"Spartan," Diggle replied, still in confusion about everything he had witnessed.

"Thea," Kara finished with the names of the three members of team arrow.

"Speedy," Thea said with a grin, matching Kara's enthusiasm about everything as the alien turned to face the Legends who were waiting for their introductions.

 "Okay!" She said, rubbing her hands as she looked towards the team. 


"White Canary," Sara supplied, a soft smile on her face at her excitement.


"Falcon," the girl murmured, not sure if the rest of the legends had actually known that was her codename before she had started their travels.

"Jax and Professor Stein!"

"Firestorm," they both answered together, causing Kara's smile to grow even bigger if that was possible.


"Palmer. The Atom," he introduced.

"And Mick!"

"Hmm? Oh. Heat Wave."

Kara nodded at the introductions before turning to face everyone that remained.

"And Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity." She concluded, pointing to the three girls who were seated at one of the computers that they had set up for Felicity and Cisco to be able to use during the mission to stop the aliens.

"Whoo! Yes!"

"And you have cold powers, but you can't use them?" Kara asked again, motioning to Caitlin. The girl nodded, surprising Felicity who spun around to look at her in shock.

"You have powers?" She squealed, confused as to when this had all happened.

"It's a long story." Caitlin supplied, before they all turned their attention back to the task at hand.

"Barry, so, Oliver Queen is the Green Arrow?" Iris asked as she went to stand next to the speedster. Barry nodded, watching as Iris sighed a bit. "Oh, my God. He just got so much hotter."

"Oh, my God." Barry muttered as she walked back over to the girls, before remembering there was a time limit on what they had left to do. "Okay, Cisco, we should probably get started."

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