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"You have to help me. If you don't, and I get bitten, then you'll have two zombies to deal with," Ray pointed out to a paled-out Stein.

"Oh, my God." Stein breathed in the realisation.

They both paused for a second but Callie interrupted the bickering scientists. She glared in-between the two of them as she swung the bow back over her shoulder.

"Mick's a rabid dog. You know what the league do to uncurable rabid dogs? We put them out of their misery, so either you guys sort this, or I'll put Mick down."


"Okay. You ready?" Ray asked Stein, noticing that the man was turning paler by the second. Callie rolled her eyes, having tied her hair back into a tight ponytail before she raised her bow back from her shoulder.

"Mm-mm." Stein hummed, not sounding convincing in the slightest. Callie knew the man was scared, but she was finding it hard to be sympathetic towards him since she was yet to see the man show anyone else any sympathy.

"Just relax. He's unconscious, remember?" Ray suggested, looking at Callie from the corner of his eye. He wasn't sure he trusted the girl at all, let alone to not shoot Mick on sight after her rabid dog comment. It had also confirmed his thought that Sara and Callie must have gone way more back than they had originally gathered.

"Raymond," Stein asked as he slid the door to the MedBay open. There was a moment of silence as Ray paused at the tone.


"If he's unconscious, wouldn't he be here?"

"Oh for god's sake, I'm fed up of this team," Callie muttered, lowering the bow slightly as they stood in the empty room with no sign of Mick in sight.


"Damn, it's dark." Ray muttered as he led Callie and Stein around the ship in a search for the zombified Mick. Callie was a good few feet behind the men, trying to zone them out as she focused on hearing any sight noise from any direction in the corridors around them. Her bow was clenched tightly in her hand, and she would be lying if she wasn't going to set hell on Sara for leaving her behind when she next saw the girl.

"Even if Mr. Rory wasn't in a zombified state, I doubt he possesses the intelligence to operate a light switch," Stein answered, causing Callie to roll her eyes. She was getting fed up of the man trying to act like he was superior to the majority on the ship, and although she wasn't too keen on Mick herself, he didn't deserve to be spoken about in that manner.

"Well, he probably just destroyed a conduit or something," Ray muttered back as he shone the torch around the bend of the corridor. Callie scoffed, not sure what a conduit was but she knew it certainly wouldn't of been helpful if destroyed.

"Well, that's hardly comforting, Raymond." Stein co-incided with Callie's thought, causing the girl to wonder if she hadn't became a party obsessed trust-fund teen that maybe she would have been smart enough to become something like a scientist instead of an assassin.

Callie cocked her head and turned her back to the men as she heard the scrape of something against the metal floor that the ship was made of. Nocking her arrow, she paused as the two men continued to bicker between each other.

Callie spun around as Ray and Stein screamed, their lights having shone on the diseased Mick. He lunged at Ray, pinning the man to the side of the ship. Callie aimed the bow at the zombie, but she couldn't get a clear shot without hitting Ray or Stein too.

As Ray shoved Mick to the side, Callie dropped the bow to the ground as she tried to kick Mick off of his grip on Stein's foot. She kicked him in the face, momentarily allowing for Stein to rip his foot back from the Zombie's grasp.

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