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She didn't make it to the building. Something shone on Sara, her joints all locking into place as she stared at everyone before she was suddenly gone.

There was a moment of silence before another beam zapped Diggle and Thea. The team jumped into action, Oliver yelling for everyone to get inside.

And then there was Barry. Half of his friends now disappeared - and one of them was potentially closer to death than they hoped.


"When my son told me he was moving away to Chicago to become a doctor, I simply laughed," the man started, causing the crowd to chuckle. "I thought to myself, 'who else would take over the family business'. Then I realised, it's 2016, and women are much stronger leaders than we old men are!" There was another loud laugh amongst the crowd spurred by his words.

"So let me introduce you to our new Vice CEO, my daughter; Camilla Merlyn!" Malcolm cheered as she was motioned to in front of the room of business men and their wives.

"Hey boys," she started, laughing at the whoops she revived from the phrase, "I'm not a doctor, or a ninja, or an assassin, but that just makes me more qualified for this."

Callie mingled with the guests before excusing herself to answer the phone her dad passed her.

"Hey Cal," Tommy's voice crackled through the speaker. The girl giggled as she heard her twins voice.

"Hey Tommy! I miss you so much." She exclaimed, not having realised how much she had missed her brother until her heart panged at the sound of his voice.

"It's okay little Falcon," he said, and Callie paused as she felt a memory of her fighting flash past her face. She shook it aside as she had never fought someone in her life. "I'm alive and breathing and I'm never leaving you." 


"You didn't have to get me a gift, Speedy," Oliver said as he spun the small rock around in his palm, studying the marks that were etched into it. Callie sat next to Thea, a grin on her face as she watched the siblings interact.

"It's just a little prerehearsal dinner gesture," Thea shrugged, smirking as she took in Oliver's confused expression.

Callie scoffed, looking at the size of the thing in Oliver's hand. "Well, little is right."

Thea shot her a look, knowing that Callie did actually think it was a nice gesture but was only saying that to wind her up like always. Despite being a Merlyn and not a Queen, Callie had probably spent more time with their family than her own over the course of her life. Tommy and Oliver had been joint at the hip as children, and wherever Tommy had gone so did Callie.

"It's called a Hozen. It symbolizes reconnecting, like you did with Laurel!" Thea tried to explain but Oliver just laughed.

"Thea, it's a rock."

"It's a very thoughtful gesture from your amazingly loving sister."

"Thank you."

"Yeah. That's better."

The three sat in a comfortable silence for a second before they heard the footsteps of the elder Queens approaching them. Callie jumped up, having not seen Moira since she got back from her business trip and greeted the woman with a hug.

"I believe a congratulations are in order, new Vice-CEO I hear!" Moira exclaimed, holding her second daughter at arms length and grinning at the woman. Callie blushed but thanked her before they all turned their attention back to the Queen children.

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