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"I'm getting you to help me dye my hair while we wait for the other three to return from the bank," Callie noted, reaching into her bag and pulling out two boxes.

Rip squinted at the girl, not sure if this was some part of test that they were trying to use to torture him even more.

"So, what do you think? Platinum blonde or just a casual brunette?"


"You killed George Washington," Thawne said as he and Callie watched the newly improved Rip retreat from giving the army orders and rifles. Callie had to agree that the alteration of his memories had been a good idea, especially as she found his new attitude much more tolerable than 'Phil's attitude.

"Yes, I know. Well, that should get my former teammates' attention, and when they travel back in time to save him, I'll be there waiting for them with open arms," Rip said, watching Callie as the now platinum blonde rang her hand across the rope noose that was set up behind them.

"Well, not too open, I hope," Thawne joked, knowing that Rip would certainly not be tainted by the reappearance of his former teammates after they had used the same process on him that they had practised on Callie only days before.

"No, have no fear, Mr. Thawne. I have no lingering attachment, and I think I speak the truth when I say Miss Merlyn also has none," he said, watching as the girl turned back to look at the men with a smirk on her face - the action was a prominent answer.

"Ah, in that case, kill them all, collect their fragment of the Spear of Destiny, and bring it to me. Camilla, keep out of sight," he ordered, before standing up and dashing away before their very eyes.


Callie stayed in the shadows of the trees as Rip turned into the path of the blonde assassin and the thief. She kept her crossbow raised on her shoulder, prepared to make the shot that she and Rip both agreed that they would take.

"Rip? Rip. How did you get here?" The blonde spoke. There was a sudden tense of Callie's muscles as she heard the voice properly for the first time, almost like she recognised. But she didn't, she just knew it as it was from the murderer of her brother.

"I don't like this," Mick grunted, already feeling the likeliness of this being a trap coursing through his body. Sara ignored the man, moving closer to her friend as she was unaware of the tempering from his mind.


"Hello, Sara," the Brit spoke coldly, his eyes shooting over to meet Callie's with a brisk nod of his head. The girl released the trigger on her crossbow at the exact same time that Rip fired the round of his gun directly into the assassins stomach. Sara gasped out in pain and shock as she stumbled backwards into Mick's arms.

"Good-bye, Sara," Rip replied to his action, a smirk finding its way on to his face. He cast his eyes back to the shadows, noticing that Callie had done exactly as they said she would - disappear and head back to her father.

The platinum-blonde didn't cast a look back at her old teammates as she slinked away through the trees, the blonde that she had once called her lover not even on her mind for a second.


"I don't like it," Malcolm spoke as he let the strands of Callie's hair that he was inspecting fall from his hands. The girl rolled her eyes, moving away from her father as she hung the crossbow back on to its hook with the rest of their weapons.

"It's only temporary, I needed a change, and besides, the colour resinated with me," she spoke, her words causing a slight discomfort in her father and Damien Darhk as she informed them that the thought of blonde hair was familiar to her.

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