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The girl instantly released Oliver, her whole body spinning in a circle as her eyes searched for the one person she wanted to see more than anything.


Callie turned, seeing the blonde she had been searching for staring directly at her, only a few feet away.


"Sara..." Callie breathed, her breaths pausing for a second as she linked eyes with the girl.

Her chest wasn't heavy. For the first time in what seemed like years, her chest wasn't heavy. It was light, easy breath paused cautiously as her body re-evaluated everything. Callie could feel her body reacting the way it had before her mind had been tampered with. She was here. Sara was here. She was faintly aware others were here. And she knew one thing for sure: the girl standing in front of her was someone she was never letting go of again.

Time had seemingly stopped in the Team Arrow base. Had the process worked? Was Callie really herself again, or was she about to attack everyone she had ever loved?


Sara felt her throat close up as the girl whispered her name. Her eyes seemed startled, like a deer trapped in headlights. There was a gentle look on her face that Sara hadn't seen on the girl since she had said goodbye to her all those weeks ago, before Callie had been tampered with.

Callie clenched and unclenched her fists as she felt the sudden realisation settle into her bones. This was real: and this was happening. They had brought her back again. It had always been Sara. How could she have ever doubted that the blonde wouldn't save her?

Oliver watched the girl carefully as she slowly placed one foot in front of the other. His hand rested slightly on the small knife that was tucked away in his waistband, although the could tell by the look in her eyes that she was back.

Silence filled the base. Callie was sure that in that moment, she could hear her own blood flowing throughout her body. There was a long pause, well, what seemed long. 

"Sara," she sighed louder, the third time the girl uttering her name having such depth and emotion to it that Sara's breath stopped. Callie moved forward slowly at first, before taking off and springing directly into the blonde's arms. Sara gasped air back into her lungs, any breath she had been holding now released out. The girl shuddered slightly as she held on tightly to Callie, not even trying to hide the tears that were flowing down her cheeks as she grasped tightly on to her love.

Callie inhaled the smell of Sara. The light perfume mixed with the hidden training gear had always been the most comforting smell to her. She recalled how the girl's hair was still as soft as it had always been, how she had always been just that slight bit taller.

Callie pulled back slightly, scanning her eyes frantically across Sara's face, as if she was trying to memorise every single feature across it. Sara did the same, her hands moving upwards to grasp gently at Callie's cheeks.

"You came back," she whispered, pulling their lips together to seal the embrace between the assassins. A single tear travelled on to their lips, causing both the girls to pull back slightly and realise they were both now crying. Callie lifted her hand, a giggle spilling from her lips as she brushed a piece of Sara's blonde hair away from the girl's eyes.

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