My Mate is Married -Chapter 2

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Seneca pictured above ⬆️

Ace's POV

I finally got to meet Seneca this week. Seneca - her name just sounded so right.

She was the most beautiful creature I had ever laid eyes on. Her soft brown curls framed her face just right. She had an olive skin tone and naturally rosy cheeks and full lips. But her best and my favorite feature were her dark green eyes and when the light hit them just right you could see little flecks of a hazel - gold color reflect in them.

I had seen her in the super market where she works at the beginning of the week.

During our first encounter I could tell she recognized me from the restaurant. I could also tell that she was slightly scared of me.

I didn't like that feeling I would never want my mate to be afraid of me. Maybe everyone else but definitely not her. I decided that I should visit the store a few more times throughout the week to try to find out more about her.

I had visited her two more times and talked about casual things like the weather and just the typical stuff. I would always try to throw in a funny joke here and there because man did I love to see this woman smile.

I decided I'd go again today and really try to find out who the man was that she was with at the restaurant.

It killed me to think of her being with another guy but I was hoping that maybe it was just a casual date.

I walked into the super market and searched for a few random items. I actually never shopped at the store - I was an Alpha so I had people that would do that for me.

Once I was in line I spotted Seneca and couldn't wait for those few minutes to talk to her - my mate - I figured if I kept this up I could eventually invite her out on a date and move on from there.

I had just reached the register and I watched as a slight blush came across her cheeks.

I loved that I gave her that reaction. I started to say "hello darling".... but was cut off by another voice shouting Seneca's name across the store.

I turned to see who the voice was and instantly realized that it was the man she was with at the restaurant. I tensed at the thought of this man kissing her cheek. "Who's that" I whispered towards her.

"Oh that ..... that would be my husband." She said slowly

Husband...... a husband mate has a HUSBAND.

It was like my whole world shattered at once.

I had to leave I had to get out of there or I would kill him right where he stood. I had to think this through.

I ran right out of the store with Seneca yelling behind me "don't you want your groceries ?"


Seneca's POV
Ace dashed out of the store as fast as he could as Miles approached the register.

He had started to grow on me this week in a friendship kinda way. I mean he seemed really sweet and had undeniably good looks but I'm a married woman and I tried to ignore the pull I felt towards him.

Even though Miles and I were struggling the bond of marriage was important even sacred to me and I would never break that trust.

Miles had now walked up next to my register and leaned across the counter and kissed my cheek.

"Hi sweetheart, I figured I'd stop by and see how work was going And find out when you'd be home tonight. I wasn't sure if I should pick up dinner or not."

" Awe thanks for checking in Miles, I actually have to stay late tonight. I offered to help clean some of the shelves this evening so I shouldn't be home until about ten. I'll pick up Maybelle at my mom's house on my way home. Pick up dinner and relax tonight."

I figured he deserved a night to relax he had been putting in a lot of hours at work lately and was even staying late some nights. Plus it was nice of him to check in.

"Wow, thanks Seneca - you're the best ........ I'll pick some food up for you too and leave it in the fridge."

"I'll see you later tonight- I love you" he said as he kissed me on the cheek once more and headed for the door.

Hmmm maybe these couple therapy sessions have been really working for us.

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