My Mate is Married - Chapter 10

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Ace marking Seneca 😉 ⬆️

Ace's POV

Well, I messed up big time. I had finally marked my mate and even though my inner wolf was happy - I didn't like that I forcibly marked her.

I was just so mad when she tried to leave me to go back with Miles.

Most wolves are protective over their mate but an alpha, like me, has an even harder time controlling my emotions.

Honestly with the amount of anger and the need I have for my mate that was coursing through me yesterday - I'm surprised I didn't just take her right there in that open field.

So I guess at least I was able to hold back some of my emotions.

But I know when she wakes up she's going to be one very angry Luna.... Crap 'luna' another thing I never got the chance to explain to her.

As mad as I am at myself for marking her that way I am happy that it will increase the strength of our bond.

And once she wakes up I should be able to mind-link into her head to see what she's thinking about.

And it could help me better understand why she wants to leave so bad.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Seneca start to move in her sleep.

At first it was just a slight rustle coming from the sheets but then she started tossing back and forth.

"Stop - please stop...... May..... where's May ?!" She whimpered in her sleep

May? I thought to myself. I wonder who she's thinking about. I figured Id test out the mind link now and see if I could see what she was dreaming about.

I walked to the bed and climbed in next to her. I rested my hand gently on her arm. Hoping the bond would calm her slightly.

I closed my eyes and focused on getting into Seneca's thoughts.

Dreams are always harder to connect to but the fact that I'm an alpha gives me better chance of making the connection.

Suddenly I could see everything as she was seeing it. She was having a nightmare.

I looked in front of me and saw a little girl with brown curly hair and green eyes. She strongly resembled Seneca so I assumed she was thinking back to her childhood.

The little girl was running and I was trying to keep up with her pace. She bumped into something and instantly fell to the ground crying.

I could hear Seneca's voice shouting "May ! May! ....please don't hurt her!"

I looked up to see a tall man grabbing onto the little girl and dragging her towards the woods. Seneca continued to plead loudly with the man.

I couldn't quite make out his figure as he stalked forward getting closer to the woods.

Finally, the man turned to face Seneca and I saw who it was. was me. I was dragging the little girl towards the woods.

Is this what Seneca thought of me some kind of monster. I couldn't stay linked in the dream any longer .....but just before I pulled away the little girl looked Straight at Seneca and yelled "Mommy!"

I felt in a dazed state as I came out of Seneca's dream. I was stunned that that's how she saw me. I had honestly never hurt a child in my entire life.

As an alpha of a pack of werewolves I have killed my fair share of other wolves. When my pack is at war or when rogues enter my land it is my job to be our strongest fighter and protect the pack.

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