Chapter 45

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( Slightly mature content ahead)

Miles POV continued

At this moment I felt a lot of guilt about putting seneca through this. But I knew how to help her and I plan to be her savior tonight. In the long run it will make our bond stronger.

I lifted Seneca up bridal style off the bed. Since we had arrived in my room she had shed all of her clothing off in a fit, leaving her completely bare to me.

I carried her gently into the bathroom and filled the bath with cool water. She cried out a few times as we moved around and I tried my best to keep her comfortable.

"Don't worry Seneca I'm going to make you feel better really soon." I whispered soothingly

Seneca POV

"Miles make it stop please!"

I heard the words come out of my mouth but everything in my whole body wanted Ace right now.

But he's not here. And I just need this to stop.
I've never been in so much pain in my life.

I know what will make this stop. I must be in heat. Ace told me at least a little bit about it at the massage place but he told me I have to be near him for it to get worse.

So I don't understand why this is happening now.
When I've literally been under lock and key in this compound.

My mind is racing with thoughts as I become aware that Miles is submerging us in cool water.

I flinch a bit at the initial contact but after a moment I can feel the cooling effects on my body.

But the throbbing in my core and the constant pain across my whole body is still hard to deal with.

"Why?" I manage to croak out to Miles. I'm wondering why this would happen now, but that's all I can muster up.

"It's because Alpha Ace must have injected you with something Seneca. I know you've been with him before and that's ok. Werewolves are great at mind games and I know he must have told you many things to make you believe him. But what he injected you with makes you be in pain until you mate. It's how they control female humans."

His words seemed to make the pain worse. Like the pain worked in tune with my emotions.

Surely the 'bite' on my neck wasn't a ploy all along. Please tell me this - want I feel in my entire soul right now for Ace can't be fake.

Nothing makes sense any more and I can't even think straight to decide what's real and what's not. If I could just get this pain to stop then maybe I could figure this out.

At that thought I felt a wave of pleasure shoot through my body as Miles began to caress my breast under the cool bath water.

The pain seemed to at least fade with his touch.
I could feel my body betraying me as I arched up to meet him.

I moaned out as he continued to caress me softly. It was amazing how easily just this could help with managing this pain.

I opened my eyes and stared at Miles. He seemed to understand already what I was thinking.

"Shhh, don't worry Seneca I won't read into this. Just let me help you feel better. I can't bare to see you like this."

That helped to make me relax a bit. I needed Miles right now to make this pain stop. But I didn't want him to think that this would somehow magically change things between us.

"Ahhhhh" I hadn't realized Miles had stopped touching me during that moment and the pain shot through my abdomen again.

Miles started again caressing my body, laid out for him under the cool water. I relaxed a bit into him and let my body sink in further under the water.

Even though the pain was subsiding throughout my body I still couldn't get rid of the constant throbbing in my core. It was making it so difficult to keep myself from using Miles to fix this little problem.

I repositioned myself in the water over miles, straddling him in the process. The worries and stress had suddenly melted away and it was as if the only thing I could focus on was one thing and one thing only.

But the Images of Ace continued to fill my mind. Shooting through me reminding me of how much I wanted him and only him. Right now I needed my Alpha.

My mind raced around the idea of him being here, beside me, or better yet under me. My mind filled with images of the things he'd do to me, as I subconsciously felt my body grind against miles under the cool water.



I could feel my body racing through the forest but my thoughts were clouded. I had completely let my wolf take over at this point and I was running on pure instinct.

The need to find my mate in heat had pushed me over the edge and I knew that time was running out.

I had a long distance to cover before I could reach Seneca but I knew that once I found her I would tear every hunter to shreds to get to her.

I hadn't mapped the way or routed out which way to go but I knew that my wolf would find her.

My body was at its max speed and power as I practically flew across the lands to find her. I could barely even feel the ground beneath me as I pushed on.

Images of her and miles filled my head and were my strength as I pushed on to find her. To save her.

Suddenly, a blast of power slammed into my side, throwing me into the trees. I landed heavily on the ground and then pounced up immediately, my adrenaline surged and I was ready to fight.

My eyes searched frantically for the beast strong enough to stop an alpha in his tracks.

I scanned the area But unfortunately I could see nothing with in range. I stood still ready to pounce at the slightest movement.

I began to let my human side back in to assess the situation and that's when it hit me.

The only thing powerful enough to stop me like that
is the loss of my mate bond. I fell to the ground, my body suddenly ravaged with pain. I was able to let out one more howl before the pain was too much.

My Seneca, My Love, My Luna had mated.

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