My Mate is Married - Chapter 14

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The closest picture I could find — reminds me of Ace holding onto Seneca ⬆️

Warning: flashback of domestic abuse in this chapter.

Seneca's POV

I woke up still in Ace's bed all alone. I stared at the ceiling for a while, trying to process all the events of the past three days.

I thought about Maybelle and if she knows that I didn't desert her.

I thought about how I let my marriage get so off track that Miles cheated on me.

About how I was so blind to see that he was cheating on me during all those 'late nights at work'.

How Ace seemed like such a nice guy when he'd stop in to shop at the super market. And then how he turned out to be some crazy kidnapper.

How he tried to trick me into thinking he's a werewolf. And then biting me for trying to run away.

How stupid I was to let him in. For letting him kiss me. For letting him make me feel something toward him and for actually believing for a moment that maybe what he was saying might be true.

And then finally, Ace being so disgusted by my scars that he screamed in my face and then dug his claws......wait claws ?! Into my shoulders !

I instantly reached for my shoulders to check on my wounds from last night. They felt sore but to my surprise there were no cuts, no scars, nothing.

I also realized that somehow my clothes had been changed. I was now in a pink camisole night dress that fell to just above my knees. I wonder who changed me - I'm assuming it was Ace.

I'm so confused - was it all just a nightmare? Was I such an emotional wreck that I had hallucinated? I have no idea what's going on anymore. It's just too much.

So for what feels like the thousandth time I cry. I let the tears continue to flow. You would think by now I would have no tears left.

My sobbing was suddenly interrupted when I heard the door start to creak open. I stared at the door and stiffened my body - knowing that it had to be Ace heading through the bedroom door.

The door swung open and I looked toward the spot where Ace's face should be but to my surprise there was nothing there.

My eyes traveled down the doorframe and my eyes locked on the creature that stood staring up at me.
It was a giant black dog with grey tipped ears. He was probably the largest dog I have ever seen.

Now I'm sure that the average girl would be scared at this point. Afraid of the unknown animal standing in the doorway. But for me it was actually quite the opposite.

I had always had a love for dogs throughout my entire life. In fact I can vividly remember the day that my mom brought me home my very first pet.

It was my seventh birthday and my mom knew that I had been dying to have a puppy. She decided to go to the local animal shelter to see if they had any  new litters available.

I remember her saying that she chose the quietest pup in the shelter to make sure that it didn't wake my father and avoid any more problems than we already had.

I remember my mom walking through the door on my birthday carrying my sweet little Chloe.
She was a black and grey elkhound. One of the most loyal breeds.

I had my sweet baby for nearly a year. I always kept her out of dads way and made sure that she didn't bark or have any accidents in the house. I was always so scared of what he would do to my baby if she made him mad.

We did everything together. She was my playmate as I had no other siblings at home. She was my comfort every time my dad decided to hit me or mom. I would always whisper to her that one day me and her would get out of this house and live peacefully.

It was nearing my eighth birthday when my dad came home late and extra drunk. I remember him walking through the front door mumbling something about someone named Theresa.

Unfortunately for me I had completely forgotten to clean up my toys that were by the front door and he tripped over my favorite doll and fell to the floor. He leaped up and i knew instantly that I was in for a load of trouble.

He stared at me with the most anger I had ever seen in his eyes. My dad stalked towards me and lifted his hand to hit me. My mom tried to grab onto his hand to stop him but he threw her to the floor and made his way back to me.

He grabbed onto my hair and shoved me towards the coffee table. I fell into it and the table came crashing to the floor. He stared at the now broken table, his favorite spot to set his beer and rest his feet had been ruined. At his realization, I saw even more fury spread across his face.

He charged at me, as i closed my eyes and threw my hands over my body trying to shield what was about to be my fate. My eyes shot open when I heard a growling noise in the living room.

I stared on as I watched my sweet Chloe tear viciously into my dads arm. He yelled out as she bit down harder and harder. I had never felt such loyalty in my whole life. I had never felt truly protected by anyone until that moment.

Sadly, my dad was very strong and was able to rip Chloe loose and throw her at the wall. She fell to the floor and laid limp.

Luckily, all of the noise caused the neighbors to (finally) call the police and there was a knock on the door before my dad could go after Chloe a second time.

He answered the door and gave an explanation that gave a perfect alibi for everything. He claimed that he came in the door after work and that Chloe began to attack him knocking him onto the coffee table.
He said he didn't want to have to do it, but he had to throw Chloe away from him.

I knew not to dare speak up for fear of what he would do to me if the police left me here.

The police then carried the now knocked out Chloe out the door with plans of taking her to the pound. I wasn't even allowed to give a hug goodbye to the 'dangerous' dog.

In one night I lost my dog, my most loyal friend, my playmate, my form of comfort, and now my only protector.

I slid off the bed and crawled onto the floor as the dog in front of me started to approach. It wagged it's tail slightly, letting me know it was friendly. I held my arms out for it to come to me.

The giant black dog came forward it's tongue hanging out the side of its mouth, almost appearing to have a smile spread across its face.

When he reached me I wrapped my arms around his neck as he rested his nose on my shoulder. I ran my hands through his fur and snuggled my face into him as I let more tears fall. It had been so long since I had felt the comfort of 'mans best friend'.

I was just so happy to have that feeling back even if this dog wasn't mine and was probably Ace's guard dog or something. I held the dog close to me for a little while, scratching behind his ear and petting his soft fur.

Finally, I decided to see if he had a collar on. Maybe there would be a tag on it so I could know his name or maybe even the address of the place I was being held at.

I leaned back and ran my hands along his neck searching for one but unfortunately there was no sign of a collar. Then the dog nudged forward and laid a big puppy dog kiss right along my cheek.

"Ew so slobbery!" I yelled at him
He almost seemed to have a smirk on his face if that's even possible.

"You know what pup, I think I like you. Maybe me and you can work together to escape this awful place. Maybe you're kidnapped too. I really hope Ace doesn't hurt you too buddy."

I looked into the dogs eyes almost hoping that in some way he could give me an answer to my question. He had such a sad expression spread across his face. We stayed that way for a few moments when it hit me.

"Your eyes, they look so very familiar. Wait ! Your eyes they look just like Ace!"

I jumped back from him, just as his eyes started to glow green.
Uh oh 😉😉

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