My Mate is Married - Chapter 18

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Seneca's POV

"No no, Seneca this is all about you, let me pleasure my mate, just sit back and enjoy it"

That was the last thing I remember hearing before Ace took me over the edge with his magic fingers.

All I know is that whole 'mates touch' apparently intensifies everything because he gave me a back arching, earth shattering orgasm.

I mean, I'm pretty positive that if anyone is in this house they heard me screaming Ace's name.

And well now, now it's awkward.
So awkward.

I've never really been intimate with a stranger. I mean I get that's there's some paranormal bond here but I really don't know Ace all that well.

So as soon as my mind let me cum 😉  back to reality, I realized the seriousness of what just happened.

Luckily, Ace noticed and pulled me over to his side and laid my head on his chest. I let my left arm and leg just barely draped over him.

We just laid there in silence and he stroked my hair slowly as I tried to process everything.

I let my eyes wander down Ace's body and noticed the rather tall tent that still showed through his shorts. That made me feel even more uncomfortable.

I don't think that I've ever had a time where someone pleasured me without expecting something in return.

"I know what you're thinking about Seneca. And you can stop, you don't realize how long I've been waiting to care for you that way. Just pleasing my mate like that is enough satisfaction for me."

"I just feel so ...."
I squirmed a little trying to think of how to describe what I was feeling.

"Uncomfortable and awkward..... yeah I can feel that from you. Just know that this isn't some one night stand, this isn't sex with a stranger. I know we haven't know each other long, but our souls have been connected our entire life."

After hearing that I felt a little more confident and for the first time since doing the deed I looked up into his eyes.
"Ace how did you know how I was feeling ?"

"Well, once a mate has been marked they can feel each other's emotions and sometimes even hear what they're thinking. For you it may be different though as you are human."

"So you can essentially invade my privacy, well that's creepy."

"No, not exactly I mean I haven't looked at your thoughts just yet for that exact reason. Once we get closer I can try to show you how to put up a wall in your mind if you don't want me to listen in.
Basically, I can just feel your emotions anytime though. It was designed to help mates care for one another by knowing how they feel."


That's all Seneca said back to me as she lay her head back down on my chest.

I continued running my hand through her hair, I know she's overwhelmed with all the information and I mean especially after our little adventure in the sheets earlier.

What I'd love to tel her is how absolutely hott it was to hear her scream my name. How my wolf was howling in my head at finally being intimate with her. That it took everything in my soul not to take her right then. But I know that's too much for her right now.

Seneca traced her fingers lightly across my chest and abs as we lay in silence. Finally, she stopped right at the scar running along my side.

"Where did you get this from Ace?" She asked quietly.

Just like Seneca, I hated reliving how I got my scars - especially that one. But I knew it was important to be honest and open up to her so that she can do the same.

"I got that scar the night my parents were murdered."

Seneca gave a slight gasp at that and I felt her arm reach around me in a sort of half hug.

I stared off thinking about how to describe what happened without scaring her.

"When I was 16 different werewolves attacked my pack and at the time my parents were the Alpha and Luna so my family was a main target. My mom knew this and when the attack first began she led me to a room where we kept some of our weapons. I was a soon to be alpha and strong so assumed I was coming to grab weapons and then head out to the fight."

"Once inside I looked over the weapons and my mother came to my side. She looked up at me, her blue eyes were glassy. She always had such a sweet and innocent look to her. I remember she leaned up to reach my face, kissed my cheek, and said I love you more than anything in this world Ace.
And before I could even assess what was going on she was out the door and had slammed it shut behind her."

By now Seneca and I had both moved to sitting up on the bed facing each other. Seneca stared intently into my eyes as I continued on with a memory I hadn't discussed with anyone since that horrible night.

"Unfortunately for me the door was made out of a special Steele to keep out intruders so as much as I tried I couldn't get out. I was so angry and so ready to get to the fight that I had to transition. My wolf side could sense that both my parents were in danger."

"Finally, one of the wolves from the attacking pack decided to open up the door from the outside. As soon as the door opened I killed him instantly.
My wolf had fully taken over and as an alphas son I was a force to be recon with."

I stared back at Seneca and could see and feel the fear coming from her. I know the fact that I spoke about murdering someone had to have scared her but I have to finish off this story and then I'll help make her understand why it was necessary.

"I made my way out of my house and headed into the battle to try to save my parents. Wolves were fighting everywhere and it was difficult to make my way through. I was so determined to find my parents that I missed their leader come out of the crowd and aiming straight for me. "

"He was in human form and slammed the knife he was holding into my side. It was laced with something poisonous to werewolves so I didn't start healing right away. He stood over me thinking I was finished but with my last bit of energy I lunged forward and attacked him and with that the battle was ended."

"That was the last thing I remember from that night. The next morning I woke up in a bed next to my beta Derek and he told me that my parents had passed on."

I looked up into my mates eyes and they were glassy, tears were beginning to fall down her face.

Oh great she heard I murdered people and now she's scared of me again.

"Seneca I ...." but I was interrupted as she leaped forward and threw her hands around my neck and hugged me tight.

"Oh Ace that's the saddest thing that I've ever heard. I'm so so sorry that happened to you."

She continued to cry on my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her. It felt so good to feel the comfort from her. I needed it right now while reliving the past.

After a few minutes I pulled her back from me and wiped her tears. "Please don't cry for me Seneca. In life we all go through things that are almost too much to handle but in the end we come out a stronger person somehow."

"And from what I have seen I know that you have also been through some tough times Seneca. I know that you really don't want to talk about it. But as your mate I want to know everything about you especially how to protect you."

"So I was hoping that now that I've opened up about my past maybe you could too."

I breathed deeply making sure to completely calm my wolf as we don't need a repeat of the last time.
"Seneca, Who gave you your scars ?"

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