Chapter 36

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Happy Reading

Seneca's POV

We have been at the hospital for around five hours now.

The ambulance drive here was a very silent one, as Miles, Issac and I rode in the back. We silently sat not sure of what was safe to talk about.

Every once in a while I would catch the two of them glaring at each other. I know miles still wasn't too happy about the fact that Issac might have been semi flirty with me.

Issac was obviously in a lot of pain but he was definitely set on not showing it.

Once at the hospital, Issac was wheeled straight into the ER so he could be checked out.

They placed me and miles in another room to wait for a doctor because miles insisted that I should be checked out as well.

Once the doctor arrived he looked at my bruises and small lacerations from being thrown to the ground and held for so long. He was surprised at some of the bruises, saying that they seemed to be caused from the strength of a bear rather than a man.

He cleaned some of the minor cuts and told me to apply ice when I arrived home and then gave me a prescription for light pain meds.

Once I was cleared to leave I walked out of the room and went over to sit on one of the benches in the waiting room.

"Uh why are you sitting back down? He said we were good to leave." Miles said as he sat down on the bench beside me.

"Well, I can't just leave without making sure that Issac is ok. He tried really hard to save me you know." 

Half of me really did want to make sure that Issac was ok. But the other half wanted desperately to talk about everything he knows about Ace.

Just before the attack he said that he figured Ace would be with me.

I'm not sure how he would even know about Ace.
Does he know he was my 'kidnapper'?
Does he know that Ace is a werewolf?
Is Isaac a werewolf ?!

There's way too many unanswered questions for me to leave this hospital before I have a chance to talk to him.

The biggest problem now is miles can't really be here for that conversation, now can he.

"Are you listening to me Seneca ?"

Miles words bring me out of my thoughts as I look to meet his eyes.

"Oh uh sorry, I just feel distracted you know?"

He placed his arm around my shoulders and pulled me slightly towards him placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"You've just been through something so traumatic Seneca. You need to take time to calm down and rest from it. Issac will completely understand if you go home and take a break. How bout I bring you back in a little bit?"

I looked at him, his eyes, were showing honest, loving concern for me.

He was my savior. My 'knight in shining armor' in this situation. But I can't let him suck me back in- not now- not while I'm in this vulnerable state.

"I know, I know. But I won't feel ok to relax until I know for sure that Issac is okay." I said looking down at my hands, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Is there something else going on between you two?"
He said it differently than the usual Miles way. He didn't sound jealous. He sounded hurt ?

I looked back up to him and saw the hurt in his eyes. Hurt that before I wanted him to feel. I wanted him to feel the same pain that he put me through. The pain of being betrayed by the person you trust the most.

But now as I look at him. The man that was my first real love. The man that fathered my sweet baby. The man that just saved my life.

Can I really still want to put him through that kind of pain?

I looked into his eyes. I'm sure mine were a bit glassy with all of the emotions swirling through my brain.

"No, Miles, nothing happened between Isaac and me. He's just a good friend, and one that really tried to protect me...... why don't you go home for a little and check on May and then maybe you can come pick me up a little later ?" I spoke softly, hoping that my reply would a yes.

" Ok, I understand Seneca." He stood from his seat and placed himself in front of me. Leaning down to meet my eyes, he took my hands in his.

"I know that I've hurt you so very much.
And I know that I don't deserve you.
I just want you to know that seeing you in that field tonight was the scariest moment of my life.

To think that I could have lost the person that I love the most in this world, well it's just the first time in my life that I've felt true fear. And I want you to realize that I'm going to do anything it takes to make you mine again."

He leaned in kissing me on the cheek. Just close enough to graze the corner of my lips.

Pulling back he smiled softly at me.
"Call me if you need anything at all before you need picked up."

And with that he headed out to the car leaving me sitting silently, even more confused than ever.

About a half an hour had passed as I sat in the waiting room. Watching as patients passed throughout the ER.

I was spaced off in my own thoughts when I heard my name being called by the receptionist.

"Is there a Seneca in the waiting room?"

I walked to the desk to meet her. Sure that she was sending me in to see Issac.

"Hi, I'm Seneca."

"Ok, well the doctor just paged and was hoping you were still here. He said that he had some concerns and wanted to run just one more test."

"Ok, well I'm sure I'll be here for a little while anyway so why not."

The receptionist led me back into the ER into a small room, different from the one earlier.

Shortly after she left, Another woman entered and said that the doctor wanted to take a quick blood test.

I sat down in the chair with the small table attached for my blood work.

She brought the needle to my arm as I looked away. I always hated watching that kind of stuff.
Then I felt it prick my skin and peeked back for just a moment.

"Wait, why are you injecting something into my arm?!" I yelled as I tried to flinch away.

Unfortunately, I was too late. I stared at the syringe now emptied of the clear liquid.

I didn't have much time to contemplate what was happening, as my whole world went dark in an instant.

Dun. Dun. Dun. 🤔🤔🤔

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