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Authors Note: Does anyone know how to edit/photoshop pictures? I wanna edit my OC Elena with runes on her body where they would be so you guys would be able to see it but I don't have the apps/software to do it and I was wondering if any of you wonderful readers did or if you knew someone who would be willing to help me. It would mean a lot if you could help me out. Let me know what you think of this chapter. 


When I had made it back to the Institute I was planning on taking a warm shower and going to bed. I could only hope Clary wouldn't push everyone to go out again for her. Not that I'm saying finding the Mortal Cup or her mother not important but sometimes people needed one night to be selfish for themselves. 

That wasn't what I walked in on instead I walked in on Clary pouting like a little child because Alec locked away her portal shard necklace. I all but rolled my eyes at Clary. 

"There is probably a good reason why Alec locked it up." I looked at Jace hoping he would support his parabatai but instead, he just shook his head at me. "Look, Clary, he put it away because your father Valentine could see you through the shard. That means it's not safe, hell he could one day walk right into the Institute because he is a Shadowhunter. It's not safe for you to use it." 

"What you're following the Claves rules now? You have only been here just as long as I have and yet you're some sort of robot like Alec is." She huffed out at me. I could only glare at her in return. 

"Listen, Clary, I see you as my little sister but I'm also logical about it. I've known the rules since I was a child. I was raised to respect them. I have known who I was and spent my life hiding from it and now I can't do that. You have only just been brought into this world and yes I know it can be daunting and challenging but Clary, Valentine will manipulate your emotions for Jocelyn to get the cup from you. So you should spend your time training and understand this world and not let emotions cloud your judgment it will be your downfall as it will be Valentines one day. We will get your mother back but it may take some time you just have to respect that." My voice eerily calm even though all I wanted to do was blow up at her. 

Clary just glared at me before turning around. Of course, she would ignore me. Sure the Claves rules can be a bit outdated but there are rules for a reason and in the last several days we broke so many of them. My shoulders sagged in defeat. It wouldn't matter how much I spoke sense into the girl, in the end, she would be selfish and do what she wanted anyways and probably drag us all with her. It would only be a matter of time before the Clave would come and stop her. 

I took a shower and got dressed in casual workout clothes. I just wanted to be comfy and possibly get a workout in to help with the rage I was feeling. I found Alec when I left my room and we both walked in silence for a while until he told me that his mother was here. 

When we walked in I could see a dark-haired woman embrace Jace while Clary and Izzy weren't far behind her. 

"Mother, Welcome back. We didn't expect you." Alec half hugged his mother and she kissed his cheek.

"You should be prepared. Whether you expect me or not." Her face stern. Her eyes glanced at me.

"I am. We are." Alec folded his arms behind him. 

"We'll talk about the Institute later. Right now we have a bigger problem. The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and we don't know why. My guess is they are still upset that we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine but no one in their realm will talk. " She circled around all of us watching our reactions. I kept my face stone. Izzy spoke up.

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