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SEASON 2 IS FINALLY HERE! ARE YOU GUYS READY?! (Also I am so so sorry this is late I was waiting for The Wattys longlist before I started writing Season 2) S2 brings some new drama to the mix ;) 

Manip above^^ By @cheleighallison I LOVE her work! Check her out :) 

Manip above^^ By @cheleighallison I LOVE her work! Check her out :) 

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We were back at the Institute hoping to hear from the Clave after what had just happened and yet still no word. We were all restless, Alec especially. Jace was his Parabatai and he needed him. 

Magnus, Alec, Izzy and I were walking with Lydia in hopes she had heard something but she said it had been silent on the Claves end for four hours. Which to me seemed unusual. Magnus made a joke about the Clave but I didn't have it in me to laugh or even smile. I was emotionally exhausted. I just wanted to crawl into bed and have a day to just rest and do nothing. I felt like I had little to no time to process everything that has happened. 

I could tell Alec seemed unlike himself as he was worried about Jace. Magnus held one of Jace's shirts or jacket in his hand assuring Alec that we would find Jace and by we I could tell he meant me too. Magnus and I walked away from the other three to find a place for me to use my Warlock Magic in private. I still did not want everyone to know that I had Downworlder blood. 

My hand carefully covered Magnus's hand on the jacket as purple smoke flowed over into his skin giving him my strength to help the search but we were coming up empty. Which seemed odd to me. Valentine must have a Warlock on his side but who was it? 

"Anything?" Alec looked at both of us expectantly. Magnus and I could only hake our heads. We couldn't sense our love's Parabatai. 

Alec then got even more upset and started barking orders to people to find Jace. Lydia said she had control of the situation but Alec just did not care. His parabatai was missing and so was a part of him. Lydia then said he was dismissed hoping to make sure he cooled off but even I knew that wasn't going to happen. Magnus tried to help him but Alec brushed him off and told us all to back off. 

I honestly wish I could help him but even I was still going through some things. I had been pretty quiet this whole encounter and Lydia and Magnus both looked at me strangely. I opened my mouth to say something but I just closed it again. The room suddenly felt suffocating and I had to leave. I followed after Alec as I knew where he would be.

When I got up to the roof I didn't make a move to say anything or even touch him. I just hugged myself and looked at the view. A few moments later I felt Magnus come up behind us. 

"I'm sorry for how I reacted before, it's not personal." Alec's voice spoke up in the silence.

"I get it. I'm a lot to get used to." Magnus paused before continuing "I know what you're going through Alexander." 

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