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Song on repeat this whole chapter. This was supposed to be out yesterday but I got a migraine and I couldn't look at my laptop long enough to edit before I would publish it. ALSO, THIS IS MY FAVORITE CHAPTER!! SO MUCH #MalecxElena WARNING! Long Chapter!

Also, I just wanna have a special thanks to Calimyers She is such an amazing supporter through this whole books and I always look forward to her PM's and Comments! 

The wedding preparations had begun and all I had wanted to do was hide away from it all, but Clary and Jace wanted my help trying to find the Warlock who helped Jocelyn. Izzy had narrowed it down to 20 but I had yet to look as I was currently at Magnus's apartment. 

I was sipping on a glass of red wine while I overlooked New York from the view on my Darling's balcony. The slight breeze caused goosebumps to appear on my skin as all I was wearing was a green olive colored lace teddy with a black silk robe. My feet bare as I had painted my toes an ink black color in advance.

 My feet bare as I had painted my toes an ink black color in advance

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"Cupcake, Alec is on his way over here. We are going to try and convince him one last time after this we will have to let him go." My eyes bore into his and I knew he was right. It was just going to be hard to let go of the blue-eyed Shadowhunter. 

"I know Darling. Let us hope we can get through to him." I leaned my head against his shoulder as I sipped my wine. 

Alec had arrived at the apartment as I heard him yelling for Magnus. I guess he forgot I was here too. Magnus and I both walked out to him and offered him a drink which he declined. Alec then asked about the Warlock and Clarys mom but Magnus and I were still looking. 

Magnus wanted to continue what they had been discussing after Izzy's trial but Alec was being stubborn about marrying Lydia. He went off about how his marriage to her was about family, tradition, and honor.

"Pft, Honor? What about love? Even Shadowhunters fall in love,  Alec. Just tell us that you're in love with Lydia and we will stop." Magnus spoke as he moved closer to Alec.

"I don't know. Why do you keep pushing? This... This... This. You're confusing me."

"Confusion is part of it. That's how you find out if something's there. Emotions are never black and white. They're more like symptoms." I finally spoke up. I set my glass down as I got closer to Alec. I could tell Magnus had caught on to what I was saying when he continued my thought.

"You lose your breath every time they enter a room." Our eyes connected as our Warlock magic flowed out from us. "Your heart beats faster when they walk by." Magnus and I circled him. "Your skin tingles when they stand close enough to feel their breath." I slowly let out a small puff of purple magic as my lips were close to his neck. Alec turned around before turning back to face us with a stern expression.

"I know you feel what we feel Alec."

"You don't have any clue what I feel so both of you back off." My heart clenched in pain.

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