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Alright, we all know I've been crappy at updating lately but I can't help it. Work is kicking my ass and I'm always exhausted. This is an APOLOGY update since I've been awful!

Anyways now its time for the new chapter!

ALSO SPECIAL THANKS TO @AlyssaGreer01 for the picture up top!


After everything that had happened, we knew we had to face Aldertree, more specifically Magnus and I did.

"So how did it go with Aldertree?" Alec asked both of us.

"Well, the man didn't disappoint," Magnus spoke up first.

"That's for sure."

"In his own charming way, he did inform me that I will indeed be punished but what that punishment has yet to be decided," Magus added.

"All for trying to save my life... Jace may have been the one to pull me out but I did feel you both there. It did make a difference so... Thank you." Alec smiles a small smile.

"Thank you for not dying on me. How, how is Jace?"

"He won't be gone long. Once his hand touches the soul sword the truth will come out and prove that he's never been on Valentine's side. Look, uh with everything that been going on we... we haven't had a chance to..."

"Go on that first date we never had?" Magnus all but smirked at Alec.

"Right, yes."

"Oh! I know a place in Soho that serves the best lamb kabob on this side of Marrakesh." I added softly as they both looked at me with small smiles.

"Or we could portal to Marrakesh? You both hungry?"


I smiled up at my boys. Things were finally looking up for us. Jace was back and Alec was no longer dying. My heart all but skipped a beat as I looked between both men who had captured my heart. I was pulled from my thoughts when Raj called for Alec. 

"Demon briefing in the Ops center. All hands on deck." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"My dear Raj... You look well." Magnus's tone bordered a sarcastic tone. I watched as Raj just walked away. "Rain check?" 

"Yes... Is that ok?" Alec wanted to make sure. 

"You go battle your demons." Alec nodded and silently walked away. "I'll go battle mine..." Magnus softly spoke.  

"Magnus everything will be okay. Shadowhunters lead taxing lives and adding a budding romance on top is going to make things complicated. I promise you though we all will have that first date."

"Thank you Cupcake." I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. 

"I wish I could stay but while they are going to hunt a demon I have to face my own. I need to talk to Jace in the City of Bones and I have to be there for his trial. Grandmother's orders." I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. 

"You will be perfectly fine Cupcake. You have Shadowhunter blood they won't be able to turn you away." 

"I know that... It's just the Silent Brothers give me the creeps." My body shook involuntarily. 

I quickly changed into something more appropriate for a Trial before I made my way towards the exit. I was sliding on my black trench coat when I saw Alec, Izzy, and Clary gearing up to go and hunt the demon. 

"Wait, you aren't coming?" Clary looked at me expectantly. 

"No. I'm sorry but as Alec knows I have my own orders from the Clave. I have to go to the City of Bones and be there for the Trail. Jace asked for me to be there." 

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