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Who's ready for a new chapter? Season 1 is almost over and I'm sad but I know Season 2 is just as good. Two updates in two days? I must be in my Malec feels ;) 

"All I know is we gotta get you out of here. Alright, who do we know in Idris?" Alex was pacing as he spoke to Izzy. I was just holding her hand in support. 

"The only people who care are mom and dad... but they're under suspicion themselves." My thumb rubbed the back of Izzy's hand. I just wish I knew of a way to help her. 

"How... What about Lydia?"

"Lydia?" I rolled my eyes really Alec? 


"Why do you keep going there. She's prosecuting me. She said she had no choice." Izzy got up letting my hand drop. 

"She doesn't."

"Everyone has a choice, Alec." Izzy's voice stern. "Let me just get through this without losing my self-respect."

"Look I know you don't want to believe this but Lydia said she would help if we give her a way to do it. Maybe I can get her to delay the trial." Izzy scoffs at the same time I do. 

"Why? So I can sit here playing computer solitaire while they find something else to blame me for? I'm just a scapegoat for the Clave, they want the cup."

"So let me buy some time to find it. Jace and Clary..."

"Disappeared through a door to god knows where. You said they're lost forever... So is the cup." Izzy sat down on the arm of the couch I was sitting on. 

"What if I was wrong? I can't find Jace because I weakened our bond but that doesn't mean he can't be found and he can't find us. We need more time."

"You're grasping at straws now?"Alec bent down to her level. had gotten off the couch and made my way over to her and got on my knees and placed a hand on her knees to show her that I was here for her. 

"Izzy, listen, I'm your big brother let me help you for once." I could tell by his tone he was willing to do almost anything to help her.

"If all else fails Izzy I'll take you away from here and hide you from the Clave. We will figure this out Izzy I promise you." I spoke softly but with a serious tone. I could feel Alec's eyes on me but I was still upset with him. "I feel a special connection to you and I feel like you're the sister I always wanted and I will not let the Clave use you just to get the cup."

I was in the training room when I saw Alec talking to Lydia hoping to stall the trial but even I knew it was a waste of time. The Clave will do what they want when they wanted. Suddenly Both Lydia and Alec froze and watched the entrance of the Institute. An older woman stepped in front of them and made Alec leave before only speaking to Lydia. Lydia looked almost nervous in her presence. Who was this woman? I seemed to get my answer when she looked to the Insitute and asked where her long-lost granddaughter was. 

"Elena Hernondale, where is she?" Lydia pointed towards me and my Grandmother looked at me before making a motion for me to go to her. I set my bo staff down and quickly made my way over. "We will be having your Rune Ceremony before Isabelle Lightwoods trial. Normally we would do such a ceremony in Idris but as you are my granddaughter I wanted you to be a true Shadowhunter as soon as possible. Please go and get ready, Lydia will help prepare you." She nodded towards me before walking away. I guess she wasn't one for affection. 

I took a shower before Lydia helped me into a crimson dress. My make up was light and I slipped on a pair of strappy red heels. I was happy I had someone helping me though I would have preferred Izzy's help, Lydia was just as helpful. 

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