12 (End S1)

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End of Season 1 and the next chapter will be the start of Season 2. I hope you all enjoy this. I actually rewrote this chapter twice because the first time I wrote it, it just didn't come out right so I wrote it again and this time was 100x better. Anyways I love you guys so much and the support on this book so far has been AMAZING!

Oh god, what had we just done? We had announced our throuple relationship to members of the Clave. My grandmother Imogen is going to flip out. Not only because I had done it so publically but with a Warlock in the mix. Not to mention I was part Warlock and she still had no idea. 

I couldn't help but smile through even through the pain of losing Ragnor again. Only this time it was forever. The man I grew up calling father had truly died. With Magnus and Alec by my side, it was easier knowing I had both of them to lean on. 

After the wedding, I was with Magnus and he was explaining about Ragnor's possessions that I would be taking back as soon as we found what we needed to wake Jocelyn from her magical coma. Clary picked up a bookmark that I had seen before I just had no memory of where it came from until Clary explained she had seen it in The Book of The White. 

Jace was about to track down where it was but Magnus stopped him. I couldn't help but giggle. 

"Warlock tracking is stronger." Magnus took a deep breathe as he focused in on who was the owner but I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it. "Well, there is good news and bad news. The good news is I know the owner. The bad news is it's Camille." My hand pressed against my forehead. By the angel, I knew it. 

I hadn't seen Camille since our last night between the sheets about 6 months ago. That night was a night I could never forget. It was the first time Camille bit me and realized who I truly was. The unfortunate side effect of her biting me is the addictive properties of her bite. Even if both of us knew that our affair would only be brief I had cut it shorter than expected. I couldn't let myself get addicted to Yin Fen.

Camille and I were rolling between her silken sheets at her apartment on the Upper East Side. Our mouths molded together sensually. Camille and I often took turns at who would be in charge or we fought each other for it. This time it was my turn. 

My body was on top of hers as both of us were only in our panties and bras. I tied her hands above her head as my lips placed hot kisses down her body towards my ultimate goal. Before giving in to her demands I nipped at her exposed hips. Her voice slowly had started to become more breathless as I continued my assault on another part of her seductive body. 

I was pulled from my thoughts when I noticed Magnus had grabbed a hold of my hand and began to walk away from everyone and Alec had followed us.

"I'm so glad we got away from that crowd, all those people, so intense."

"I have to hand it to you, Alexander, you certainly know how to make a statement." I took notice of Alec's parents walking towards us. I wondered what Maryse thought about our throuple relationship. It sure wasn't normal by any standards and most people feel as if you can't truly fall in love with two people but I knew you could as I have fallen for both men. 

"I'd have to agree with you Darling our Alexander finally got what he desired." As Maryse and Robert drew close Magnus separated from Alec and I. I held on to Alec's hand to support him and comfort him if he needed it.

"What have you done Alec, to us? This family? You to Elena?"

"This isn't about you."

"Of course it is. You both are either being selfish or naive." She looked at Alec with fire in her eyes. "This wedding was your idea and you humiliated us in front of the most respected members of the Clave. I don't even recognize you anymore." 

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