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I'm gonna keep posting the trailer up top because I just love it so much and because @carpe-di3m did such an amazing job!

I'm also sorry this is like super late. Sometimes life just happens. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'll most likely post the next one tomorrow or Friday. :) 


I was standing with Lydia when Aldertree called both of us over. Ever since I was announced as a Herondale I felt as if I was receiving a sort of special treatment. 

"This wasn't my fault and you know it," Lydia spoke up before I could.

"You're responsible for the actions of the Institute are you not?" Aldertree cut her off. "Make yourself useful. Both of you line up the witnesses." I kept my face neutral until he turned away from us. 

"I don't know what it is but there is something about Aldertree that bothers me." I turned and looked at Lydia when I spoke. "His superiority is suffocating Lydia." Her eyes showed sympathy as she grabbed my hand in a show of comfort.

"Come on let's just go gather who we need to." I nodded my head in agreement.  

We were both outside Clary's room when I knocked. "Aldertree is ready for you."

"Can't wait." Simon shrugged his shoulders and followed us out of the room.

We dropped him off and I went to find Alec. This entire situation must be driving him crazy not to mention he must be frustrated as Jace is his parabatai. When I found him I snuck in quietly and kept my distance. He was beating up a punching bag quite forcefully and I wasn't going to stop him. 

I heard Clary before I say her. I was about to grab her and stop her but she pushed me away and went straight for Alec. 

"Alec. Are you ok?" How dumb of a question is that Clary? 

"Pretty bold of you to show your face here."

"I can explain."

"Unless your explanation can bring Jace back. Save it." 

"Clary you should go," I spoke from where I was on the floor.  

Clary scoffed. "Alec, Elena, Jace is my brother too." I almost laughed. He has been her brother all of what 15 minutes? 

Alec stopped what he was doing to speak to her. "You barely know him. I grew up with him. I fought by his side. He's my brother, he's my best friend..."

"Alec..." Clary tried to touch his arm as she cut him off. "Alec I want Jace back as much as you do. I am not my mother."

"How well do I even know you? I mean you show up out of nowhere and you convince my brother, convince me to search for your mother and the next thing I know. Jace is gone and your mother is the one trying to kill him."

"I had nothing to do with that Alec. I would never hurt Jace."

"Since you've arrived you have caused nothing but problems. My family lost their birthright. Izzy was almost deruned and now Valentine has my Parabatai and its all because of you." I took notice of Izzy walking into the training room. 

"Alec... Alec, I'm sorry."

"Alec this isn't her fault," Izzy spoke up in defense of Clary. 

"When are you gonna realize you don't belong here. You never have." Alec began to walk away and on his way, he held out his hand for me that I took. I took one last glance at Izzy and Clary before following Alec. 

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