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I was mid-bite of the food Magnus had cooked when my phone rang for the second time. When I saw it was Izzy calling my eyebrows scrunched in confusion. She normally never calls me. 

"I'm sorry Magnus I have to take this."

"It's fine Cupcake." He waved his hand in dismissal and I chuckled at his nickname for me. 

"Hey, Izzy whats up?" 

"A demon got into the Institute and attacked Hodge and Alec. I need you to get here." Her voice frantic and filled with emotion. 

"Of course I'll be right there." I quickly hung up and went in search of my things I had brought with me.

"I'm sorry I have to cut this short Magnus. There was a demon attack at the Institute and apparently, it got Alec. I... I have to be there. One of us should be there for him." I held my tears. "Could you portal me back. I need to be a full strength in case it happens again."

"Cupcake I would do anything for you." He pressed his gentle lips to my forehead and quickly made a portal for me to pass through to the Institute. 

Once I was there I ran inside and I quickly texted Izzy asking where Alec was. I needed to know he was alright. My text was quickly answered when I saw Alec sitting on a cot while his father was healing him. I slowed my pace and just looked at him. I could see him slightly wince but it wasn't too noticeable. 

I made my way over and hugged Izzy as she seemed to be on the phone with someone so I took her place on the cot. I didn't say anything instead I just took his hand in mine and could only hope it gave him comfort. 

I texted Magnus saying he should join me and that the wards need touching up and no sooner did I send the text then Magnus walked right into the Institute. I all but rolled my eyes at his timing. Alec seemed to do the same but I could see the hint of a small smile. 

While Magnus was upping the wards I walked next to Alec silently not wanting to pressure him or bother him with asking if he was okay. 

"A forsaken wound often needs a little Warlock TLC. May I? Free of charge." Magnus may have seemed carefree but you could see it in his eyes how much he cared. 

"I'm ok. I'm fine." He adjusts the bandages on his arm. He clearly wasn't okay about something.

"If anything were to happen to you..." Magnus softly spoke before Alec interrupted him.

"Magnus, I'm good. Alright, I..."

"Gotta go? Of course, you're a busy man. I should find this Lydia person. Payment upfront is just smart business. Where might I find her?"

"I haven't seen her but if I do I'll send her your way." Alec's voice seemed cold and distant compared to earlier. What had changed since then? I wanted to go after him but I could feel Magnus's gaze burning into my back. 

"Don't ask me, Magnus, because I honestly have no idea what happened."

"Did I say or do something wrong..." His voice soft as he watched Alec walk away. I turned around and faced him getting so close my eyes flashed violet.

"No Darling you did nothing wrong don't you ever think that." I pressed a kiss to his cheek softly. I was pulled from my moment when I saw Lydia arresting Meliorn. Why was the Clave arresting a Seelie? 

Izzy looked visibly upset so I flashed Magnus a small smile before I went after Izzy. I followed her towards the training room where she began pacing and telling Alec about how Lydia arrested Meliorn and how she was only following the Claves rules but I could tell Izzy didn't believe her. 

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