Chapter 15

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Clare's POV

"Flower, wake up. We arrive in ten minutes." Someone said softly. That someone was obviously my husband. I dreamt of our wedding.

As I looked up, his face was only inches away from mine. He smiled at me.

I stood up and turned around to the direction of the bathroom. I'm definitely not going to talk to him, with that breath of mine after I woke up.

I brushed my teeth immediately and washed my makeup off. Damn, I look like a bear. I removed it and thought a second about putting on some new one, but eventually decided against it.

I opened the door and saw Daemon frowning.
"Hi." I said with a nervous smile.

He ignored me and that was when I knew he was mad because I just went off without saying a word.

I decided to sit on his lap and give him a peck. "Good Morning." I grinned at him. It was actually midnight or something like that.

"Good evening, mrs Thompson." I knew he was trying to restrain a smile, but he slightly failed at doing so.

I looked outside the window and was shocked.

"The Bahamas?" I asked him in shock.

"Yeah, I own a part of it. I hope you're happy, if not we can go wherever you want." He looked at me with raised eyes.

"If? Daemon, I am happy! Oh my god." I said hypnotized.

"Good." Tiffany came to tell us that we arrived, actually she told that to Daemon. She didn't look at me, but I don't care.

It was warm outside. Sunny, not too hot not too cold, just perfect. A white Lamborghini pulled up. The driver went outside greeted us with a quick bow and went into the private jet we had been earlier.

I really have to get used to Daemon and his wealth. But... everyone is scared of him, like, the driver looked at him nervously, too scared to say anything and too scared to do something wrong. But I don't know him that way. He is so kind to me. I have never seen him that kindly with his father. Frankly, I don't blame him. I know how it feels not to be loved. This pretty sucks...

He held the car door open, before I went in I gave him a quick smile.

In the beginning the ride was silent before he decided to break the silence.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. I'm so excited." I said to him while clapping. "Are you fine?" I asked him.

"Yes." He said in a 'duh' tone.

He looked at me quickly but when he saw that I caught him, he quickly looked away.
"Are you really fine, Daemon?" I asked him in a serious voice.

"Yes, yes. There's nothing to worry about." He said nervously.

"We'll talk later about that." I said in an annoyed mood.

"Is it about your work?" Eventually I asked.

"What, no. Oh, yes. Yes, it is about the mafia." He told me.

I knew he was lying. But I'm not going to let my day ruin.

After ten minutes of silence and driving, we reached a mansion. To be honest a really luxurious mansion.

 To be honest a really luxurious mansion

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