Chapter 43

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Clare's POV

It's been three months since Daemon's birthday and everything went pretty well. Daemon would make food for me whenever I wanted. We'd watch movies and just have fun.

Rob and Daemon call each other pretty often. I'm so happy for Daemon to have his best friend back.

Laura and Rob's relationship didn't really improve according to Daemon. He said every time they had a phone call, Rob had to end the call, because she needed him. Maybe that's the reason why not even Rob had come to visit us since Daemon's birthday.

But for now none of this is important, because today is the day Daemon and I get to know our baby's gender.

I still am sure it's going to be a boy. I wouldn't mind to have a girl either, as long as the baby is healthy.

Thank god it has been healthy so far and I hope it'll stay like that.

We are waiting for the doctor to call our names.

"Are you nervous? I am." Daemon said smilingly. He's been smiling for two days straight now. "Imagine having a little girl or a mini boy. You know, I wouldn't mind having twins."

I laughed quietly.

"Stop you're making me nervous, too." A question popped up in my head. "You know, when I started bleeding down there. Why didn't you take me to the little hospital that is is nearby our house for any emergencies like when you were badly injured, to get treated?"

Daemon looked a little surprised. "Because the doctor isn't a gynecologist."

"Aaah. Makes sense." I opened my mouth to say something, but was interrupted, when the nice doctor invited us in finally.

It was the same woman/doctor from the first time, when I had this bloody incident. Since then we've been visiting her for controlling me. I was really comfortable around her.

We finished our same 'routine' like the last times, which included ultrasound for example.

She frowned a few times and kind of looked surprised, but eventually smiled.

"Is everything okay with our baby?" I asked scared now.

My hands started sweating and Daemon stiffened. He probably had the same worries like me. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.

I need my baby. I feel, like if our baby dies, I wouldn't be able to breathe anymore. Just the thought of losing it made me almost unconscious.

"Everything is fine with your babies." She smiled softly at us. "Congratulations, you're having twins."

My jaw dropped. This was not what I expected.

"Twins?" Daemon stood still, but smiled happily and looked over to me.

Slowly I started smiling as well, of course there were tears streaming out of my eyes. I'll never be able to stop smiling. Daemon held my hands and squeezed it softly.

Who thought I'd have two kids contemporary? Not me, but I can't be happier. Having two babies must be the greatest feeling.

"They aren't identical, though. You'll see one beautiful girl and one handsome boy in less than five or six months. The babies' heartbeats and everything else are great so far." She laughed softly. "Do you have any questions?"

"Can I give normal birth to them? Or do I have to get operated?" I asked her a little unsurely, because I want to give birth to them, while I'm conscious. I know this is really really painful, but I think the pain is worth it.

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