Chapter 31

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Daemon's POV

I kind of had the feeling of knowing who was in front of our house, but I had to make sure that it's not someone dangerous, because I didn't want my wife and my unborn child to get even more in danger.

I grabbed the gun, that I always hid in a vase. First of all, I looked from the window outside to look if I could see somebody, but unfortunately, I didn't.

"Daemon, buddy. You don't wanna open the door for your best friend? That's rude." I heard a familiar voice, that really annoyed me.

Before I opened the door I had hid the gun in vase.

"What do you want?" I asked him with the purpose of telling him how annoyed I was, as I opened the door.

"Daemon, you can't act like that towards me. Wait, don't you- don't you love me anymore? All because of your wife? I thought, bros before hoes?" He joked, but guess what, this wasn't a joke to me. Nobody literally nobody could talk about my wife like that.

"Shut up. You can't talk about her like that. We both know, that she isn't a random hoe, she is my wife." I said through gritted teeth.

He looked surprised, when I said that. Rob is sometimes funny, but only sometimes. Yet, he is my best friend.

He still has no right to talk about Clare like that, though.

"Okay, calm down. This was a joke, you know that, right?" Rob chuckled now. "I like Clare more than I like you."

"Good to know." I responded with an eye roll. "Now can you explain to me what you're doing here?"

He gave me a look, that made me cringe. "Oh, you're so cute to me. I really appreciate the attention you give me. But back to your question, I have to talk with you about something."

"In my office." I had no idea what he could want to tell me.

"Yes sir."

I just wish one serious moment with him.

After we arrived at my office, I sat on my chair and hoped that he would start talking without making any jokes.

"Somebody called me yesterday. It was a weird call, though. I'm sorry Daemon." His face has now a really serious expression. "Your father is dead."

Weird that I didn't care about that.

"What about my mother?" I asked him with a look that told him, joking now would be wrong.

"She... I'm sorry." He closed his eyes. I definitely could tell he wasn't joking, after all he was like a son for my mother.

I shook my head. "No, no. This can't be real. How did they die?"

My mother is dead? I don't want to believe that. I hope it wasn't some gang shįt.

"The caller was an officer apparently. And he sent me all the videos of how they died, because I just couldn't believe that. Your dad drove furiously and then... well, it was a car crash. The other car driver is also dead."

"F*ck. What are we supposed to do now? My mother deserved better." I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"I'm sorry, bro. You know I loved her, too. I'll give you little space. Wait, there's one thing I have to tell you. Don't be too mad. You have a wife." Rob looked at me with a sad look.

"How could you be so funny outside?" I asked him curiously.

"This is how I feel better. Make other people laugh." He shrugged. "Even though you never laugh I know it's funny to you."

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