Chapter 49

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*Important question in the end!!!*

Clare's POV

"I'll open the door." Daemon said shortly with power in his voice which made me frown. The way he's acting makes me not only sadder but also self conscious.

My children's death broke my heart in ways I could not describe. Even though they weren't born yet before they died, I used to have this strong connection and bond. If I was sad, I would think about my children and my heart immediately lit up.

My main problem now was Daemon. Even though I was the unqualified mafia queen, I was ready to do anything to help Daemon with his 'job', Daemon really appreciated that, but never really let me do anything that was too much for me thus he didn't want me to kill humans or something like that.

Daemon was still wearing his black suit which reminded me of our children's funeral he went to. Alone. Without me. I will never forgive him for that. My heart aches just at the thought of how he could've done that to me. Didn't he think about me during the funeral?

I turned around, not facing the door anymore, because I wasn't ready yet. Everything was too much. The death, Daemon's attitude, the therapist, it was like everyone was against me. The fact that everything happened in one day makes me widen my eyes, because it's so insane to me. What's worse to me is that Daemon didn't 'allow' me to mourn our children's loss. Neither did he ask me whether I was okay. It was like he just decided that I'm 'mentally' not stable enough. He doesn't worry about my health.

That wasn't fair, I mean isn't that normal? To be sad. I was the mother. I was the one carrying them in my belly. Doesn't he think it's normal to miss the kicks they made?

It is okay to be sad. More than okay, but he was just being such an ässhole and he was so manipulative that I almost felt sorry for him for having such a bad wife, when I didn't do anything wrong. Maybe I get depressed after I see that therapist that cannot help me, because there is nothing wrong with me.

Does this therapist even know about Daemon's secret? If not, I'll laugh at Daemon.

"Clare, may I introduce to you, Liam Hunter." Just listening to his voice made upset and angry at the same time, but now I was boiling in anger, because he acted as if those past months meant nothing to him.

The big TV screen on the wall in front of me was turned off, so the screen was completely black. Daemon's and the other's man reflections could be seen on the screen.

I looked at the stairs that were on the right side of the living room. Thinking about how I could just run away, but would mostly just make a fool out of myself, and I don't think running is good for my current circumstances.

"Daemon, can I talk with you for a second." My voice came out louder and harsher than expected and intended, but honestly he deserved it.

A deep sigh came out and I knew that Daemon was already annoyed by my behavior, however I couldn't care less.

My legs almost automatically went to the kitchen. Daemon must be really near me, because I could feel his body heat on my back.
A few days ago I would've been turned on by that, but who would've thought that it made me just sad and furious?

After a second I went towards the door and closed it, so that the therapist couldn't hear anything. I didn't even waste a second to look at the therapist, but from the corner of my eye I could see that the man was pretty tall.

Now I was eventually facing Daemon with a frown plastered on my face. "Do we really have to do that? Like, don't you think this whole therapist-thing is exaggerated? Our children are dead and it's true that I won't be able to become the woman I used to be, but I'm definitely not sick and don't you dare tell me that I am, because you have no idea, especially because everything happened today. You didn't even give me a chance to show you that I am okay."

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