Chapter six

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* Lucius' POV *


I was scared, to tell you the truth. Pouring a whole bottle of peroxide into an open wound did NOT seem fun.

I looked at my gorgeous raven-haired friend. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of green, like mint. My eyes were a dark green, like jade. To be honest, I had a crush on my best friend. I knew she saw the fear in my eyes so I tried to mask it.

"Fine, just get it over with." I said, a lot braver than I felt.

As she poured the peroxide in the wound, I gritted my teeth and thought about Joules to distract me. I felt bad when I saw how upset she was when I looked scared. I KNOW Joules would never hurt me, but I got scared because I knew the peroxide would sting.

"I'm sorry," Joules said, "I...I would never intentionally hurt you."

"Yeah, I know." I said. She visibly relaxed.

I wonder why she relaxed? She would never hurt me, I knew that. Did she think I feared her? I suddenly felt the need to tell her that I didn't.

"Joules, you know I'm not scared of you right? I just freaked when I saw the peroxide."

It took her a minute, but then she said, "....Yeah I know, Lucius."

I softened when she said my name. I knew I had to tell her I liked her, and soon. But I didn't know when. My mind urged me to tell her now.

"Hey, Joules....."

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