Chapter eighteen

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Joules' POV


"WHAT???" Lucius and I both said at once.

"Yeah. I was struck too. I ran from home when I found out they were after you guys, figuring they'd want me too. And to answer your question, my name is Zoran."

"Umm, nice to meet you Zoran. Can you give us a minute?" I asked, and he nodded, sparking his hands.

I pulled Lucius farther into the barn and quickly asked him, "What do you think?" He was silent for a minute and then said, "I think we should let him come. After all, if we hadn't teamed up, we'd most likely be dead. And what could another member of our team hurt?"

I thought about this and realized he was right. "Ok, let's tell him."

Zoran's POV


As I waited for their decision, I thought truthfully about how the girl looked. If they let me come, maybe I'll ask her out. My blonde hair didn't look too bad, and my bright blue eyes were stunning. What reason would she have to say no?

Eventually they both came back and said that I could come. I found out that the boy's name was Lucius and the girl's name was Joules. That can't possibly be her real name.

"Hey Joules, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked. The boy named Lucius looked concerned but she said, "Ok." The boy relaxed when she shot him a look that said 'I'll be fine'.

"So what'd you want to talk to me about, Zoran?" She asked, her voice was beautiful.

"Well, first off, what's your real name? 'Joules' can't be your real name." I said, and she smiled.

"Yes, Joules is not my real name, but nobody has called me my real name since I got my powers. Besides, I like the name Joules better." She said, and I asked again, "So what's your real name?"

She said, "I like Joules better than my name anyway, so I'm not going to tell you. Sorry."

I decided to let it go and tell her the real reason I asked to talk to her.

"The real reason I asked you to come out here was so I could ask you out. You're pretty, so, Joules, will you go out with me?"

Joules' POV


"Joules, will you go out with me?" Zoran asked.

I didn't know what to say. Lucius had never officially asked me out, but I could tell he cared about me. I hardly knew Zoran, but at least he asked me out officially.

But deep down in my heart, I knew I would never love Zoran the way I loved Lucius.

"I'm sorry, Zoran, but no. I already love someone else, and I could never love anyone else. I'm sorry." I said, but he wasn't disappointed. Just angry.

"Who? Who do you love?" He asked, angry, "Don't tell me it's your stupid friend inside the barn." I didn't know what to do. I did the only thing I could think of.


Lucius' POV


I was worried about Joules. I knew she could handle herself, but we had always been wary of strangers.

I was beginning to think it was worrying for nothing when I heard Joules scream, "LUCIUS!!!!!"

I ran to find Zoran in an offensive position, fingers crackling and preparing to strike Joules. I jumped in front of her only to get blasted with a strong shock wave.

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