Chapter 31

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Joules' POV


The next day Lucius and I left to go find my cousin Dani. Lucius had barely spoken about his parents since he killed them to help me. I couldn't blame him, he was now responsible for more people he killed.

We walked towards my cousin's house and arrive there in about ten minutes. My cousin lives comfortably, not rich, but definitely not poor either.

We had to hide our faces, however, since she lived next to the police station. She would never report us, though.

I knocked on her door with Lucius beside me. She had heard about Lucius once, so she knew about my boyfriend.

She opened the the door and smiled when she saw me standing there with Lucius. "Hi, Joules! I haven't seen you in a while. And you're Lucius, right?" She asked.

"Yes, that's me," Lucius answered politely, and I beamed at my cousin.

"We actually came here to ask you a favor, Dani," I said, and explained our situation as she ushered us inside.

"Oh my...." Dani exclaimed when I mentioned our hands, and Dani found a history of storm accidents/police reports book from about a century back, and began to read.

Lucius and I shared a worried glance before turning back to Dani.

"You two, come look at this," Dani said, we tried to read it, but it made no sense to us.

"What's that say Dani?" I ask, knowing she'll understand that we can't read that gibberish.

"Well, a while back, teens, usually in sets of three, would develop powers. The government had freak accidents all the time, so nobody noticed the teens. Occasionally, two of the three kids would develop a mutual bond. The three kids would MOST OFTEN be two girls and a boy. Based on who had a mutual connection to him, one kid had to leave. The kid that left would usually be killed by the government. The two 'bonded' kids would be used as weapons for the government. On two other occasions, however, the three teens would be ONE girl and TWO boys. On these occasions, for whatever reason, they wouldn't be the government' pawns. No, they fought back. Thus resulting the government in shambles and the two teens killed. YOU TWO are bonded, and mentioned another boy, correct?" Dani asked. I nodded, and she continued, "The government is afraid you'll take over, see? That's why the police is after you. Why they were after your father, Joules? I have no idea. (Lucius' parents were wanted for beating him, kinda obvious there.) But this bonding thing? Extremely rare, especially with two boys. They call this experience a 'Destiny Bond'. Joules, your electricity jumped to white because you felt Lucius' anger and power. The bond between you is strong, increasing the chances of doing things simultaneously. You two always wake up at the same time correct? That's due to the bond. There's only one real downfall to this bond. Sometimes this bond is so strong that the two teens fall in love," Dani said, and I looked at Lucius. He paled.

"When these two fall in love, immediately the pair feels a deep connection, followed by a desire so strong it's nearly impossible for the male to keep his pants on. Lucius, you're obviously very strong to resist this for Joules," Lucius blushed, "There is a connection so deep that if one were to die, the other would most surely take his/her life. It's one of the reasons you two are so protective of one another. Just be careful, Joules, and you too, Lucius. I don't want one or both of you to end up dead." Dani concludes, and I run out of the house with Lucius in tow. He says thank you, and sprints after me.

Lucius' POV


" alright?" I ask, knowing that she isn't but she's too stubborn to say otherwise.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Lucius." She says, and the way she said my name made me growl slightly.

I was thinking about what her cousin Dani said: When these two fall in love, immediately the pair feels a deep connection, followed by a desire so strong it's nearly impossible for the male to keep his pants on.

She probably had no idea how close she was with that statement. It really was hard, and for obvious reasons with the "bonding" thing. I loved Joules, so much it hurt. Dani said I was strong for resisting the urge, but I only fought it for Joules. She was scared of men (except me) and flat out feared gestures that reminded her about that man, her father's friend. I resisted it for her, and for her only.

"What are you thinking about? It's your hands, again." Joules said, making me look at my hands. Same familiar sight, but this time white electricity was crackling instead of blue.

"Something Dani said about me," I say, and curl up in a ball on the cave floor. Joules frowns, but drops the subject. I know I'll hear about it tomorrow, though. I fell asleep instantly with Joules at my side, now knowing the odd reason why. The reason why I felt so comfortable around her. Man, the things I wish I DIDN'T know.

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