Chapter twenty-two

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Joules' POV


Lucius and I ran for two days straight. Of course, me being me, I WOULD happen to fall and scrape my leg. Did it get infected, you may ask? Well, of course it did. Just my luck.

Lucius offered to carry me, but I was as stubborn as a bull, so there was no way I was letting him carry me.

"C'mon Joules, you look like you're about to fall over. Let me carry you." Lucius said, trying to persuade me.

"No," I said. But five seconds later I was thrown over someone's shoulder. I shrieked.

"Lucius, put me down!!!" But he could hear the laugh in my voice.

He chuckled. "No way!"

I sighed at my boyfriend, but then I had an idea. I pulsed electricity to Lucius, hoping to sting him enough for him to drop me.

"Nope. That didn't work, Joules. Try something else." He jokingly said.

I was deep in thought and didn't reply. Why HAD all the male test subjects died? Why did I, the female, survive? And if only the females could live, then why were Lucius and Zoran still alive?

"Joules?" Lucius asked, confused as to why I didn't answer.

"Sorry," I confessed, "I was thinking about how my father's friends had said that all the male test subjects died. If that's the case, then why are you and Zoran still alive?"

He thought about it for a minute, then replied, "I don't know. Maybe our blood is different?"

That's it! I thought, "Do you have something sharp?" I asked Lucius.

"Umm, I have a blade from that fan my mom was carrying..." He sounded worried.

"Do you think you can draw just enough blood not to leave a scar?" I asked.

"I can try," he said, and sliced the palm of his hand. He handed my the knife and I did the same.

"Try to send electricity to the wound. I want to see if something would work." I told him. He sparked, but electricity was on his hand AROUND the wound, not IN it.

I did the same, however, my electricity traveled into the wound.

"Woah..." Lucius said. I agreed. Our blood was different, my electricity was in my blood stream, and his was connected to his nervous system.

"So, what now?" Lucius asked.

"I hate to say this, but we have to go to the one person that would know why we are different," he paled, knowing who I was talking about. "We have to find my father."

(A/N: ok so I'm not quite sure what I can do to make this story better? Any ideas? Please comment, I'd love to hear what you guys think.)

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