Chapter 33

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Lucius' POV


The next three days we went around every town in fifteen miles, trying to find people who would side with us. We only rallied 100.

Sad. And pathetic, but that was the best we could do.

As soon as we marched back to the town that started the war, people started fighting. There was blood everywhere. On both sides. Mostly ours.

Oh, the joys of being the underdogs.

Suddenly, I recognized a familiar flop of blonde hair with electric blue eyes.


He went after Joules, and I crackled my hands threateningly, almost like a show of dominance.

Oh, who am I kidding? Dani DID say that we were protective of one another.

"Woah, dude, chill." Zoran said, "I heard they wanted to kill you guys. Now, as much as I want YOU dead," he said, pointing at me, "I would never want HER dead."

"Thanks? I guess?" Joules said, unsure of what to say.

"So, are you on our side then?" I ask hesitantly.

"Of course. Anything for Joules." He said, and winked at Joules before bounding off to fight.

We decided to believe him, seeing as how we didn't have much choice anyways.

I fought alongside Joules and saw something come rushing down at us. I pushed Joules out of the way and saw a familiar face staring at me as I lay dying on the ground.


Joules' POV


I was fighting alongside Lucius when I saw something come down toward us. Huge boulders that made up a landslide.

Lucius pushed me out of the way and I watched as he was crushed by the boulders. I looked up to find Zoran smirking at him as he lay dying. I screamed in rage and confronted him.

"You..." I said, barely able to contain my rage.

"What?" He asked, and smirked. "Now I can finally be with you, without any interferences." He said. I barely had time to process what he said before he kissed me.

His kiss was different from Lucius' kisses. Lucius always kissed me gently, but passionately, and I know he loved me without a doubt.

Zoran, however, kissed me hard, with passion, yes, but not a lot. It seemed Zoran was driven by lust, not love.

I pushed him away and crackled my fingers. He instantly looked scared. "This is for what you've done to my Destiny Bond soul mate." I said, voice quaking with rage. I hit Zoran so hard (without touching him, might I add) that he went flying, and hit a tree. Obviously dead.

Without another thought I ran back to Lucius to see that he had been watching.

"So him." He said weakly, but didn't look afraid. I blushed, afraid he thought me a monster.

"Don't....look like...that. I could...never.....think of as a murderer." He said again, and stared at me lovingly.

At that, my head fell onto his chest as I clutched my hands in his. "Oh, gosh, Lucius. Please don't die, please....." I trailed off as I began to sob. There was no way he would live. None. If only we'd had more time....wait.

I stopped thinking about anything else as I felt something stroke my hair. Lucius was still alive, and getting better by the second.

"Lucius! But how..." I asked.

"I don't know. You clutched my hands and kept asking me not to die. I don't really know. I just regained health." He said, happy but confused.

"Wait. Remember what Dani said about one dying and the other would want to die?" I said, and he nodded, trying to make sense of what I was saying. "Well, I didn't want you to die if I was going to live, and I shocked you once, accidentally, but still. Then you stroked my hair and now you're perfectly fine." I said.

"Huh....well whatever. I'm just glad I'm here with you." He said. "Now let's win this war."

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