Chapter 4

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I slowly open my eyes and blink a few times. Am I dead? I move to sit up, but end up laying back down immediately as my body practically screams in protest. My whole body is sore. I lay still and breathe heavily as I wait for the pain to go away.

Once it does, I slowly turn my head side to side. It hurts, but it's still bearable. When I look to my left, I see a weird machine thing that has wires attached to it. I follow the wires and they end up going inside my arm. To my right, there is a door that-

Wait, a door?

Where is Shadow? And the rest of my pack?

I continue looking around and realize I'm in a hospital. Which are used for people. Which means people are here.

How did I get here?

The door to my right suddenly opens and a guy walks in. He looks at me and starts walking toward me, but flashbacks of my dad pushing me three years ago are vivid in my head, so I try to get up despite the unbearable pain all over my body.

"Hey woah woah woah calm down," The guy says, and he grabs my shoulders. I scream in fear as I imagine him doing the same thing my father did and he backs away immediately.

"Jasmine!" The guy yells, and a woman walks in. She sees me and tells the guy to get out. He walks away and closes the door behind him.

"Hey," The girl says, putting my attention back on her. "Hey. I'm Jasmine. Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" She asks. After staring at her for a moment I slowly shake my head. I don't feel scared around her. She smiles at me and then takes a step forward. My body tenses as she takes a second. I may have gotten used to living with wolves, but I haven't interacted or even seen another human in three years, and now it feels like everyone wants to use me in some way, just like my father did.

And I'm not only talking about when he pushed me.

I can't trust anyone. It doesn't feel that way with Jasmine though. I feel like I can trust her.

Just like you thought your Dad was supposed to love protect you. But he threw you to the wolves. Literally. I ignore the voice in my head and watch as Jasmine stares at me.

"Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm here to help you." Once she's right beside the bed I'm in, she squats down next to it so we're eye level.

"So you know my name, can you tell me yours?" She asks softly.

"C-Clara," I whisper. It hurts to even do just that, and I wince.

"Let's get you some water. I'll be right back." She gets up and walks over to another door. She opens it to reveal a bathroom, and she walks inside, leaving the door open. She grabs a plastic cup from a dispenser and fills it with water from the faucet.

"Here you go. Drink it slow." She puts the cup up to my lips and I slowly take a few gulps. I drink all the water and Jasmine puts the cup aside.

"Where's my pack?" I ask her. She furrows her eyebrows. "Pack?" She asks.

I nod my head, and she shakes hers. "There wasn't anyone around when we found you. What do you mean pack?" She asks slowly.

"For the last three years, I've lived with a pack of wolves," I tell her.

"What?" She asks, shocked. "Why?"

"Three years ago, my family and I were out camping. Something happened though and my dad was yelling for us to run, so we did. I was the youngest and the slowest, but my dad was right in front of me. He started reaching out behind him, and I thought he was trying to grab my hand, so I reached out for him, but he ended up pushing me and running faster. I had fallen and the wolves started circling me. I thought I was going to die, but they actually took me in and I lived with them since. I was fifteen when that happened, and I'm eighteen now." I finish my story and Jasmine looked sympathetic.

"I'm so sorry. I had no idea. But, when we found you, you were all alone and on the brink of death. We did see a cave and looked inside, but it was empty." I suck in a breath through my teeth.

They left me?

The door opens suddenly, and a guy walks in. Not the same guy as before. This guy is super muscular and is the most handsome guy I've ever seen.

He also scares the crap out of me.

He looks at Jasmine before his eyes fall on me. He seems to sniff the air and his eyes darken from bright green to almost black.

"Mine," He says in a really low voice. It almost came out in a growl.

Actually no, it sounded exactly like a growl.

"Oh no no no no no. Isaac, you can't be here!" Jasmine yells at the guy and she stands up. His eyes go back to their pretty green color and he turns his face to look at her. "And why not?" He asks. His voice sends shivers down my spine and goosebumps to appear all over my body.

"Because I said so! Now shoo!" Jasmine walks toward him, but he ignores her and starts walking toward me. My dad wasn't even that strong when he abused me, I don't even want to imagine what he can do to me. My eyes widen as he steps closer and closer and when he's within arms reach, I do the most logical thing possible.

I scream my heart out.

He steps back in shock and Jasmine takes this as an opportunity to push him out of the room. She shuts the door once he's out and locks it. I stop screaming and breathe deeply as I start at Jasmine, who's staring back at me.

"I'm so sorry Clara, I didn't know he'd be coming so soon."

"Who is he?" I ask. And why did he say 'mine' like that? And directed at me?

"Nobody important. Now, I'm going to go get you some clothes. I'll be right back. I promise, no one else will come in here." She leaves the room and I take a deep breath.

I still don't know where I am, and how long I've been here.

I lift the sheet from my naked body and see that I'm clean. No dirt or blood anywhere. But I also see a ton of pink scars everywhere, which makes me realize I must have been out for a while, if all these cuts are almost fully healed.

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