Chapter 5

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Jasmine knocks before she walks back in, which I'm grateful for. She has a small pile of clothes in her hand, and she sets them down on the bed next to me.

"How long have I been here?" I ask her as she pulls up a chair next to my bed.

"Well, we found you almost a month ago, and you've been asleep since then. Haven't woken up once. You're cuts are almost fully healed, but your skin is still tender." I nod my head in understanding and eye the clothes next to me.

"Oh! These are some of my clothes. You look about the same size as me, so I hope they fit. Do you want help putting them on?" She asks. I pull the cover closer to my body and stay silent.

"I won't judge you, if that's what you're worried about," She says softly. "I know what that feels like, so I can promise you I won't." After a few seconds I nod my head and she stands up.

"Let's sit you up." I use my hands and push my upper body up slowly. My arms shake and I feel really weak.

Once I'm sat up, Jasmine places the pillow behind me to help keep me there, and the blanket falls from the top half of my body and bunches over my legs.

As Jasmine helps dress me, I cringe at the feel of the clothing on my body. It feels so weird after literally not wearing anything for three years.

When I'm fully dressed in undergarments, a tank top, and shorts, I lay back down and push the sheet away from me. I look at the scars on my legs and sigh.

Oh well. Nothing I can do about it now.

"You okay?" Jasmine asks.

"Yeah," I answer softly. "Do you have any food?" I ask. My stomach rumbles in agreement.

"Yeah. Do you want anything in particular?"

"No. Anything is fine."

"Okay, I'll see what I can get. I'll be right back." She leaves the room and I decide to see if I can walk around.

I swing my legs to the side so they're dangling off the bed and I sit myself back up. I scoot closer to the edge of the bed and set my feet on the cold tile floor. I don't feel it as much though because my feet have gotten used to tough terrain from living in the woods barefoot for three years.

I start putting pressure on my feet until all my weight is on them and I lean away from the bed to stand up straight. I wobble slightly and grip the bed again until I steady myself, then let go again. I take a few unsteady steps away from the bed and then I start walking normally.

I walk around the small room for a few times and then I hear a knock on the door before it opens to reveal Jasmine.

"Hey, is something wrong?" She asks as she sees me standing.

"No, I just wanted to stretch out my stiff muscles," I answer quietly. I still kind of feel awkward around her, but I'm really starting to trust her.

"Okay, well here's your food. They were serving pizza in the cafeteria, so that's what I brought."

I slowly walk over and take the plate from her hands. But as I get closer her eyes widen.

"What?" I ask hesitantly. She shakes her head and smiles. "Nothing. It's just that you're freakishly tall." Now that she mentions it, I do have to look down to make eye contact with her.

Huh. Three years ago, I was only like 5'2. I guess I grew taller without realizing it.

I shrug my shoulders and sit back down on the bed and slowly chew the slice of pizza. As soon as it reaches my taste buds, I moan out loud. A blush covers my cheeks as Jasmine laughs.

"That good huh?" She teases. I nod as I take another bite. I had forgotten how human food tastes.

I love pizza.

"So once you finish, do you wanna go walk around? I asked the doctor, and he said he just needs to do a few tests and then you're free to go." I think about it for a few moments before I nod in agreement.

"Yay! Do you think my uh...boyfriend can come along with us? I promise if he does anything that scares you, I'll kick him in the balls and tell him to leave." Her statement causes me to laugh out loud.

I like her more already.

I nod my head and she claps her hands excitedly. "Okay, I'm going to go get him. I'll be right back. Finish your pizza." She practically runs out of the room and I chuckle as I take the last bite of my pizza. I get up and throw the plate away.

While I'm waiting for her to come back, the doctor comes in and does the checkup, and he says I'm good and leaves.

About five minutes later, Jasmine knocks and walks in with a guy trailing behind her.

He's got muscle, I can tell you that, and he has dark brown hair and brown eyes. He smiles kindly when he sees me and stays behind Jasmine as they both walk closer.

"Clara, this is my boyfriend Damien." He steps out from around her but stays next to her.

"Hi," He greets politely with a small wave. I smile shyly back, but don't respond.

"You ready?" Jasmine asks. I nod and step closer to them. Jasmine gently takes my arm in hers and Damien stays a few feet behind us as we walk out the room.

I glance around and notice hardly anyone else is here. Usually hospitals are packed with doctors, nurses and patients. Why isn't this one?

I shake off that thought as we step outside. I squint my eyes as they adjust to the bright sunlight, and I take a deep breath of fresh air. I smile as I see the woods surrounding us. It doesn't feel like we're that far from where I lived with my pack.

Oh how right I was.

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