Chapter 15

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"Oh my God! What are you doing here? I thought...I thought you..." Isaac is grasping my shoulders now, spewing sentences I don't understand. I think he spoke a different language at one point...

"Isaac!" I yell, silencing him immediately. His eyes are still wide, and sparkling with unshed tears, which surprised me.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad happened to me. But I do need to tell you something. And ask you something."

"Anything," he says, a smile lighting up his face.

"So first of all, I know about werewolves, and that you're one, the Alpha of this pack actually, and...yeah."

"Really?! Who told you?" He asks. I remember Mom telling me not to disclose anything I don't need to, so I tell him it's not important.

"Okay, well, what did you need to ask?"

"Are you my mate?"

***Unknown POV***

"What is it Mason?" Is how I answer the phone when he calls.

"Sir! We found a guy leaving the area those people were at. He might know something. We were able to bring him into the cells, but barely. He killed most of the men that were with me, and something really weird is happening."

"And what would that be?" I ask, now interested in what he has to say.

"Well we put the cuffs on him, but his wrists started turning red, and then they started bleeding, but the cuffs weren't even on that tight."

"Okay. Which cell is he in now?"

"Cell thirteen. We put him in the very back."

"Got it. I'm on my way there now."

Let's see if this guy knows anything.

***Clara's POV***

"Are you my mate?" I ask, and his body tenses.

"Y-yeah," he stutters. A light blush colors his cheek, and I almost coo out loud.

"Wait, so you're not scared of me anymore?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No. But can we go somewhere more private? I can explain there, and I need to tell you something else."

He gets up, and I follow him inside. We end up going to the same room I was given when I got here.

"Okay, so when I was basically kidnapped, I was beaten almost to death everyday." That probably wasn't a good way to start the conversation, because Isaac's eyes turn pitch black.

"It's okay though! It was for a good reason, I swear! I'm going to shift into a wolf next month on the next Blood Moon." Bob had also taught me to just get straight to the point, so yeah.


"Heh. Yeah. So basically the Alpha Queen said I'm next in line to become Queen. And you're my mate, so... That means you're Alpha King. Unless of course you reject me..." I trail off awkwardly.

He wouldn't reject me would he?

"Of course I wouldn't reject you! But does that mean your mom is the current Alpha Queen? And what about the current Alpha King? And I thought you were human? Oh my gosh, this is alot to take in."

"Heh. Yeah, that does mean my mom is the Queen. And my dad was supposed to be the King, but she kinda never told him about...anything really. He doesn't even know werewolves exist. And yeah, I am human, but that's why I had to go through all this training."

"And you're going to shift into a wolf, and become a werewolf?"


"And you're going to become Alpha Queen."


"And I'm going to be the King."


"You've really changed."

"I know! My personality has changed alot. I'm alot more hyper and energetic all the time. This is how I used to be before...before I was left to the wolves." I shake my head to rid those thoughts from my brain.

"Oh my God!" I shout suddenly. Isaac eyes me warily as I start freaking out a little.

"What?" He asks cautiously.

"Where are Damien and Jasmine? Are they okay? I miss them so much!"

"And you didn't miss me?" He asks, jutting out his bottom lip. I laugh likely and shake my head.

"I was scared of you, remember?"

"Oh yeah..."

"Anyways! Mind link the to come over. I must see them!"

"Okay, geez." His eyes go out of focus for a few moments as he mind links them, and literally seconds later, the door bangs open, almost flying off it's hinges.

"Clara! Oh my God!" Jasmine engulfs me in a bear hug, and I squeeze back just as hard.

"Are you okay? What happened? Where have you been?!"

"Right, so I don't want to have to explain everything again, so how about Isaac does that, while I go get something to eat. I'll be right back."

I walk out of the room and after I shut the door, I can hear Jasmine yelling at Isaac to hurry up and explain. I laugh quietly to myself as I find my way to the kitchen. I find a box full of assorted chips, and I take one.

Walking back upstairs, someone almost bumps into me.

"Oh, sorry," I apologize, but the girl ignores me and walks right past me and down the stairs.

"Rude," I mutter, and I push open Isaac's door. Isaac is still explaining everything, so I just jump on the bed and eat my chips while I wait for him to finish.

"How hard did they train you? And what did you have to do?" Damien asks when Isaac finishes explaining.

"For the first few weeks, it was basically almost to the point of death. They tortured me endlessly to build up my tolerance to pain. And I had to like just workout and stuff, but it was just harder for me, since I was being tortured, so the pain was a lot."

"Yikes. So how strong are you?" Jasmine asks.

"I mean, I'm pretty strong. My mom said I was ready, which is why she let me come back. Oh yeah! They also taught me to fight."

"Oh? And how good are you at that?" Isaac asks.

"Let's find out!"

I smile as I walk outside. Isaac decided to take us to the training area to test out my new skills. Now I know they're werewolves, and I'm just a puny, well not that puny (Jasmine and Damien literally gushed over my muscles and how strong I look after their initial shock) but when I was trained by Bob, he trained me so my hearing intensified, and just basically to the point where I could actually beat werewolves.

Cause you know, they're like really strong, even if they don't train, they're like twice as strong as humans.

"Oh sh*t! No, we can't go right now. We need an emergency pack meeting. To tell them Clara's back, and what's happened. Damien, tell them to be at the pack house in ten."

"Got it." Him and Jasmine walk off, and Isaac pulls me a different direction, and soon we're hidden from view by trees.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, seeing the concern on his face. I don't know what he has to be concerned about.

"Can you show me your scars?"

Story_Lover6813 this chapter is dedicated to you. I looked up how to dedicate, and it said you can't do it in the app on your phone, and that's what I have, so bleh. So thanks! For sticking with this book and reading and voting! You're awesome! And you're the reason I'm updating twice in one day!

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