Chapter 29

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Hewooo! Just a few things to say today to you fabulously fabulous fellow fiction readers. First off...........WHAT THE SHIT!! 100K VIEWS??!?!?!?!??!?!!?! Second........I'm hungry lol

Okay on with the chapter!!!...

The next day Isaac and I decide to go a for a nice leisurely stroll through the forest. We wake up bright and early, around 5 am. Well, I wake up bright and early at 5 am. It takes a solid 30 minutes just to lug Isaac out of bed. I resorted to flipping the mattress over and he fell on the floor. It was easier than I thought because Isaac was only on one half of the bed so once I picked up the other side, he just rolled along with it.

Once I knew he was up, I grabbed a pair of shorts, a tank top, and of course undergarments and walked into the bathroom, intent on taking a shower.

But as soon as I took a step in the bathroom, I felt a pair of hands on my waist. Seconds later I was lifted off the ground and then thrown on the mattress which was now on the ground.

I hear Isaac laugh and then I hear a door close and a lock click. He just went in the bathroom.

I groan loudly as I get up and slide the mattress back onto the bed. After Isaac comes out the bathroom freshly showered, I grumble at him as I pass to go to the bathroom and take a shower myself.

Once all the morning tasks are complete, we head downstairs to get some breakfast. Walking into the kitchen, I grab a bowl from the cupboard and a spoon from the drawer next to the sink, deciding to get some cereal. I find a few boxes standing next to each other on top of the fridge, and I go with the reeses puffs because those are to die for, I mean come on.

After we both eat a bowl of cereal ( Isaac went with apple Jack's, I mean gross, right?) we walk outside into the open air. It's still dark outside, but birds are already chirping up in the trees.

We walk hand in hand, enjoying the fresh air and the scenery. Even though Isaac and the pack have lived in fresh air since they were born, and I have for the past 3 years, it honestly never gets old or boring. It always amazes me.

We walk through the trees, asking each other questions, making jokes here and there, pushing and shoving each other, I tackle him at one point for no reason.

Ya know, the usual.

We travel far beyond where the pack house is, all the way to the edge of our borders. We walk along it. Isaac steering me as he knows exactly where the border is all the way around our lands. I mean I do too, but it takes me longer to sense it and plus I'm too lazy to keep having to check if we're still in our own territory, so I just let him lead me.

After who knows how long walking around, I jump on Isaac's back. I expect him to stumble at least a little, but he carries on like nothing happened at all. He grabs behind my thighs as I put my arms loosely around his neck. Don't wanna choke him now people.

We laugh as Isaac starts spinning around in circles. The world around us becomes a blur and I cling harder to Isaac. Our laughter suddenly turns into screaming as Isaac's clumsy self tries over a stick and sends us plummeting to the ground. We both fall, but we were on a hill, so now we're sliding and  rolling toward the bottom of it. We're going at a fast speed and I'm unable to latch onto anything to prevent myself from going anymore down this long sss hill.

Finally, what seems like an eternity later, I slow down enough to where I can stop myself. I sit still, breathing heavily. I see Isaac laying feet away, groaning as he sits up. I slowly pick myself up, scanning my body for any new cuts or bruises.

When I see I'm fine, I walk over to Isaac and help him up. Which proves to be rather difficult cuz he's heavy as shit.

When we're both up and have dusted ourselves off, Isaac is about to say something, but hear a snapping sound and shush him by putting a finger to my lips. He's about to try to say something else but I smack my other hand over his mouth completely.

I strain my ears to listen for any other signs of movement, and I hear several feet softly crunching the leaves around us. Pausing to feel the environment, I can tell we're not in our pack lands anymore.

Which means we could very well be in danger right now.

I look back to Isaac and mouth one word.


He does so immediately, and my hand drops back down to my side seconds later and a silvery gray wolf stands before me. I shift into my wolf next, and I feel the power wash over me as my senses become more alert and ready incase we need to attack.

Isaac and I stand side by side, m facing one way and him facing the opposite. A low growl escapes from my mouth as I hear another twig snap.

About a minute passes, and finally I see what it is. Or rather, what they are.


An ordinary pack of wolves. They see us and look startled for a moment, probably because we're bigger in size and aren't ordinary wolves, but then a wolf makes it's way to the front and stops right in front of me.

A black wolf.

I freeze.

The black wolf freezes.

By this point Isaac has turned around and is watching everything unfold, not doing a thing.

I step forward toward the black wolf, wondering, hoping....

The black wolf lays down, rolls over on it's back, and bares its neck to me.

I high pitched bark comes from my mouth, and my tail wags like crazy. I continue whining as I run up to the black wolf and its pack, yipping and running around in circles. Behind me, Isaac stares on confusedly.

I change back into my human form, forgetting by now that Isaac is still here, and hug Shadow, his whines loud and clear in my ear.

The rest of the pack, now knowing who I am, circle around us, barking like crazy. Tears pool in my eyes and  stream down my face.

They came back...

Left To The Wolves [On Hold]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin