Chapter 10

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Just wanted to say really quick thank you to everyone that is reading this story, and I can't believe it has 300 reads already. I hope you guys are enjoying it. Kay I'm done 😊

As soon as I hear the door open, I sit up. The guy, I'm tired of calling him that, so I'm gonna start calling him Bob, smirks and watches as I get up and walk to the bathroom.

"You have five minutes. A second later, and you get punished."

I quickly undress and take a three minute shower after I use the toilet, and then put on a different shirt and shorts that are next to the sink.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Bob clicking a button on his watch.

"You were almost late," He grumbles, and I say nothing as I follow him down the Hall and to the room from when I was brought here.

I'll call it the torture chamber, since that's what it is for me. Yesterday when I passed out, I woke up for a few seconds, but still kept my eyes closed. I was in Bob's arms, and he was talking to someone.

My mom.

"She has plenty of stamina, that's for sure," He had told her. I heard a sigh before she said, "good, she'll need it," And I passed out again.

Bob locks the door behind us, and he immediately picks up a spiked whip with hooks from a table. A few of the other guys are also in here, and they also pick out weapons of their choice.

I immediately tense up, knowing I won't be able to last long. How the heck do they expect me to endure this crap? These guys are a million times bigger than me, they can crush my between their index finger and thumb if they wanted to.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel a searing pain in my side. I look down and see the spiked whip latched into my skin. Bob smirks, and he quickly pulls his arm back, taking the whip and me with it.

"You need to concentrate. Stop going off into lala land." He yanks the whip harder, and it tears my skin as it comes out. I clutch at the now open wound and start to walk backwards as three other guys start to surround me.

"Concentrate!" Bob yells.

"I am concentrating!" I feel another pain in my arm, and one of the guys with a knife smirks as he backs up again.

"No you're not! Focus on your surroundings. Use your senses. Look at what's in front of you and what's beside you. Listen to the footsteps as a step is taken. Concentrate, and use as many of your senses as possible to see what's going on around you. Concentrate."

I take a deep breath and go silent. I look around me. One guy is directly in front of me, with a bat. Another is to my left holding a knife, and a third is on my right, holding nothing, but his hands are curled into fists.

A hear a footstep and spin around as I hear the second. A fourth guy is behind me, but as soon as I see him, I'm knocked to the ground. I groan and get back up, wincing at the pain in my side, and now on my lower back. The guy with the bat got me, and got me good. At least the hooks of the whip didn't get in too deep, or else I would've been a goner a long time ago.

"Don't just focus on one thing. You need to focus on all your surroundings."

I take another deep breath and try to concentrate, but it's too hard with all this pain all over my body.

I'm knocked to the ground again and I decide to stay there.

"Get up," I hear Bob say. I ignore him and close my eyes. Maybe they'll leave me here to die.

"You have five seconds to get up, or you get punished." I roll my eyes under my eyelids. As if this isn't punishment enough.

A hand grabs a huge fistful of my hair and roughly yanks it up, making me go with it. I scream out in pain as I'm dragged on the floor by my hair to the center of the room.

I'm forced on my knees, and my ankles get tied up, along with my wrists behind my back. I look up to see Bob, still holding the whip in his hand, his infamous smirk plastered on his face.

He walks around until he's standing behind me, and I hear the whip slice through the air, then feel it pierce through my skin. I scream out again, and I feel the blood trickle down my skin and stain my clothes.

I'm repeatedly whipped again and again, and the pain gets worse before I just can't feel it anymore. One of the other guys has to hold me up while Bob continues his torture, an I'm surprised I haven't blacked out yet.

My body jerks each time the whip comes in contact with it, and I'm already practically kneeling in my own pool of blood.

Just as I feel ready to pass out, the whipping stops, and the guy holding onto me let's go. I fall to the floor and groan.

The ropes are cut loose from my ankles and wrists, and I'm picked up bridal style. My head lols to the side as whoever is carrying me takes each step.

I'm placed on my feet, but I immediately crumble in a heap on the floor. I hear water running, and a few minted later I'm placed in a tub full of hot water.

Like really hot water.

It burns my skin, making me scream out in pain as it turns red.

Through half closed eyes, I see the water around me quickly turn red, and then I'm taken out of the tub and wrapped in a towel before I feel something soft under me.

My eyes close all the way, and I am left thinking what I did in my life to deserve this.

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