Chapter 17

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Dudes! This must be some type of witchcraft...or wizardry. I just posted the chapter before this one a couple hours ago, and y'all go ahead and bumped the story up to 700 reads?!

Well thanks! As my thanks, I posted this chapter. Hope you enjoy!

Ashton and I are facing each other on the platform, raised above everyone else. Somehow the whole pack found out I was going to fight the Gamma, so everyone is now surrounding the platform we're on, watching eagerly.

"Scared Ashton?" I smirk at him. He scoffs.

"As if."

He lowers his body into a certain stance, and I just stand still. Bob taught me to be prepared and how to fight starting from any stance, even if I'm just sitting.

Bob taught me a lot.

I continue standing still, and I can tell Ashton is losing his patience. Seconds later, he makes the first move.

He quickly swings his fist back and attempts to punch me, but I catch his fist in my hand, twist it so his back faces me, and kick him in the middle of his back. He stumbles forward, and barely prevents himself from falling. He stares at me, shock apparent on his face, and I just raise an eyebrow.

He stalks toward me again, and he turns somewhat toward the side as he walks. I notice what he's doing seconds before it happens.

He lifts his leg to do a kick spin thingy, and I just duck and roll out of the way. He probably expected to hit me though, because he loses his footing when he lands and falls down. I take that as my chance and jump on him. I land punch after punch on him, disorienting him so I can put him in a lock quickly afterward.

Blood spurts from his nose, but I ignore it and focus on what he does as he tries to fight back. When he can't push me off, he tries to catch my hands to stop my from hitting him.

I spin around, so my feet are at his head, and I lock my legs around his neck, and then grab his legs and lock then in my arms. I bend my body as far back as it can go, putting more pressure on my legs around his neck. He struggles, but I keep my strong hold on him.

I feel him tap against my leg, and I immediately let go. I stand up and stare at him as he lays on the ground, panting and covered in sweat.

"Holy shit," someone says,and I spin around to see Isaac looking up at me in awe. I smile and wave at him. I look around and notice literally everyone is staring at me the same way.

I jump off the platform and slide up next to Isaac, feeling self conscious.

"Let's go back to the house." I nod and he puts his arm around me as we walk away from the platform. The pack forms a walkway for us and they are still staring at me with wide eyes.

At one point, I hear someone whisper, "she beat him in under two minutes. How the hell did she do that?" I smile at that.

When we get to Isaac's room, I jump on his bed and burrow under the warm covers.

So soft...

"Uhm...Clara?" Isaac asks.

I sit up and stare at him. He has an amused smile on his face as he stares down at me.

"What?" I ask, feeling self conscious again.

"Nothing. You look tired. You can take the bed, I'll go sleep on the couch."

"What? No! You're sleeping next to me. I want someone to cuddle with," I protest. He puffs out his chest.

"I'm an Alpha. I don't cuddle."

"We'll see about that."

He rolls his eyes but takes off his shirt and slides in bed next to me. I sidle up to him and place my arm over his abdomen. His arm wraps around me, and I fall asleep peacefully for the first time in a long time.

***Unknown POV***

"What were you doing there?" I ask again for the millionth time. He spits blood out if his mouth, and it lands on my shoe.

I just bought these shoes.

"You f*cker!" I scream at him. He smirks, which quickly disappears when I pull out my gun.

"What you gonna do? Shoot me?" He asks sarcastically. I cock the gun and point it his forehead.

"That depends. You gonna give me what I want?" I ask menacingly. He snorts.

He snorted. This guy surely has a death wish.

"Might as well shoot me now. I'm not gonna give you anything."

So I do just that.

***Clara's POV***

I wake up not being able to breathe. I panic for a few seconds, and then look down. Isaac's head is on my chest, and his whole body is on top of mine. I breathe heavily and try to push him off, but he just let's out a huge snore and turns his head the other way. I groan.

He weighs like a guzzilion pounds!

"Isaac!" I shout at the top of my lungs. He jumps and freaks out, squirming his body around in a panic. I whine at the feeling of being squished to death, and he freezes. His eyes lock on mine, and he freaks out again. He tries to scramble off me, but he gets tangled up in the blankets and ends up falling off the bed.

I hear a loud thump, followed by a low groan. I sit up and peer over the side if the bed. Isaac looks confused with the blankets bunched up around his legs.

"Isaac?" I ask. He picks up his head to look at me.

And then I burst out laughing.

"That...was...hilarious!" I wheeze between laughs. Isaac juts out his bottom lip when he stands up.

"It's not funny," he grumbles. I chuckles again and stand up from the bed.

"Yes it was," I disagree with him, and he glares playfully at me. "That's what you get for crushing me with your thousand pounds body," I add. He smiles sheepishly.


"Whatever. Go make me breakfast peasant!" I order him while pointing at the bedroom door. He raises an eyebrow.

"Peasant?" He asks with an amused smile on his face. I nod.

"As you wish m'lady." He bows and walks out of the room.

It's not until I know he's far enough that I let my girly squeal out and the giddy smile on my face.

I'm already falling for him, and I technically only known him for like two days. And that includes when I was scared of him.

Just then I hear a loud bang, and an even louder growl.

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