Chapter 9

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***unknown POV***

"We need to find her. Send out our best trackers to start looking. I don't know who took her, but who ever did, will pay."

"Of course, sir." Mason leaves, and I take a swig from my vodka bottle. It leaves a burning sensation as it glides down my throat.

I love it.

A knock on my door reaches my ears, and I groan before walking over and opening it.

One of my workers, Bradley, I think his name was, walks in slowly. I spin back around and walk to my desk chair while taking another huge gulp of my beloved alcohol. I make a mental note to buy more later.

"What do you want?" I ask as I hear him clear his throat.

"I was just wondering what you wanted to do now that she's missing. I mean, Mason just told me that you want to start looking for her, but don't you think the people she was staying with might know something?"

"Are you questioning my decisions?" I sneer at him as I slowly walk closer. His eyes widen and he immediately shakes his head. His hands start shaking, and I mentally smirk.

"Of course not, sir! I was just saying that maybe if-"

"Shut it. Your voice is starting to annoy me. Leave."

"Right, of course. Sorry." I watch him turn around and quickly walk out, shutting the door behind him.

I plop down on my desk chair and spin around on it a few times. I look down at the bottle in my hand before I take one last swig and then throw it at the wall opposite me. It shatters into tiny pieces, and the liquid left in it splatters everywhere.

I sigh and press down a button on my desk.

"Get someone in here to clean this mess up. I'm done for the day."

"Of course, sir. Do you need anything else?" I ignore him and walk out my office. I need more alcohol in my system.

***Clara's POV***

"Wake up!"

I jump and open my eyes, and then roll to my left as I see a bucket hovering over me. I stand up when I get to the edge of the bed and back away toward the wall. The guy holding the bucket pouts and lowers the bucket.

"I was hoping I'd get to make you wet again," He smirks. "Oh well. Come on. Now the real fun begins."

I look down and notice I'm in different clothing than when I got here. I follow the guy out the bedroom and into a room  that basically looks like a gym.

No, it is a gym.

Equipment lines the walls, and in the middle is a blue mat. The guy leads me to the dumbbells and tells me to pick each one up until it gets too heavy.

I start with the five pound one, which is super easy, so I put it back down and pick up the ten pound weight. Still easy. It jumps to twenty pounds, and it's a little harder to pick it up, but I still do.

"Stop. That's enough. Come over here." He leads me to the middle of the mat and tells me to lay down. He has a clipboard in his hand now and is writing something down. Is it about me? Probably.

"Do you know what sit-ups are?" He asks, and I nod. "Good. Do as many as you can in one minute." He holds down my feet and I cross my arms over my chest. When he says go, I lift the top half of my body up, then lie back down. I repeat this until he says stop, and by then, I'm out of breath.

"Forty two. We can work with that. Get up." The rest of the day is spent with him bossing me around, and me training for something I don't know. He pushes me to my limits, and every time I feel like I can't do it, he makes me do it. I end up having to use each and every machine in this room, at least three times.

Right now, it hurts to even lift my pinky.

"Come on, one more thing." I get up despite my whole body not agreeing with me, and he leads me out of the room and down the long hallway. We turn a few corners, and my body starts shutting down on me. I slow down and slump against the wall, hoping the guy doesn't notice. He does.

"Oh no you don't." He drags me the rest of the way, and I barely stay up on my feet. I look up to see a track, with railing on the inside and outside, that runs all the way around the room in a huge oval. Nothing is in the middle of it. He walks me to the starting line and tells me to run as fast as I can, as long as I can.

I take a deep, shaky breath and crouch down, putting my left slightly behind my right, and place my hands, mostly my fingers, on the rough track.

On his go, I shoot up, and am surprised I don't fall as soon as I do. I try to ignore the pain in my body, which is pretty much impossible, and focus on running. My legs move quickly, and my arms swing back and forth as I run. I imagine Shadow and the other wolves in front of me, which encourages me to run faster.

Everything is blurry except for the track ahead of me, and I try to push my legs to run faster. Suddenly, as I am about to start a new lap, I run into what feels like a wall.

I feel hands on my waist, and I look up to see the guy staring down at me with a smirk on his face. I furrow my eyebrows, and my eyes start to droop.

His smirk ends up being the last thing I see that day.

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