Chapter 8

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"Wake up!" Someone yells, and then I feel a stinging pain in my cheek. My head smacks to the side, and I groan as I open my eyes. A cold feeling washes over me, and suddenly I'm drenched in cold water.

I gasp as the cold hits my body, and I immediately start shivering. I look up to see a guy in all black looming over me, with a bucket in his hand.

"Good," He says as he sees me staring up at him. "Stay awake. The Boss wants to speak with you." He turns around and leaves, shutting a huge steel door behind him.

Five minutes later, at least I think it's five minutes, the door opens again. This time, a woman walks in. Her hair is covering her face, but when she moves it out of the way, tears immediately spring to my eyes.


***unknown POV***


"Before we could get there, others had already attacked them, and they took her."

"Did you try to follow them?"

"We couldn't. They started attacking us as well, and we lost most of our guys. We-"

"I don't want to hear it. Get out of my sight before you lose yours."

"Of course." Mason leaves, and I sigh angrily. I kick my desk, causing it to fly to the other side of the room.

"Who the fuck took her?"

***Clara's POV***

"But... What..."

"Sh, I know. But I can't explain right now, it will take too much time. Come on, get up. We have to start right away."

"Start what? What's going on?" She ignores my questions and makes me stand up. I do so on wobbly legs, and she drags me out of the room, if you can even call it that. More like a cell.

I'm pushed into another room, but my mother doesn't follow me inside. I hear multiple clicks, and I know she's locked it. I spin around when I hear a clanking sound. My eyes widen as I see ten huge guys, each with different weapons in their hand.

And they're slowly, creepily, walking toward me.

I look around frantically for a means of escaping, but find none. What I do see though, is tons and tons of weapons lining all four walls of this room. Ranging from knives, to whips, to axes. I see all sorts of weapons, but no guns.

My eyes train back onto the ten burly men, now only a few feet away. One of them has a whip, and he raises the arm holding it. I roll out of the way milliseconds before the whip could touch me.

I cry out in pain as another guy with a knife slashes at my arm.

What's going on? Why are they doing this? Who even are they?

I dodge out of the way again as I see movement through my peripheral vision. I narrowly miss another slash by a knife.

I find no way to fight back, so all I can do is dodge and roll out of the way. But soon, that stops working, and three of the guys surround me while beating me endlessly. Two minutes in, and I black out.

When I wake up, I'm still on the floor of the same room, but I don't see any of the guys. I scream out in pain as I move my body slightly. Looking down at it, I see bruises and cuts everywhere.

I hear a door open, and I tilt my head up to see one of the men walking in.

"Up you get," He says in a low, gruff voice. He grabs the arm that was slashed and now has dry blood all over it, and picks me up easily. I bite down on my tongue to prevent myself from screaming out in pain, and he drags me out of the room, and into another.

This one looks like an actual room. A bedroom, actually. We walk through, and he opens another door, revealing a bathroom.

He stops me in front of the tub, which is full of ice, and orders me to get undressed. I immediately refuse, and he grabs my arm in a tight grip.

"Now," He orders, and I do as he says. Once I'm naked, he makes me get into the tub. As soon as my left foot comes in contact with the ice, the guy picks me up and forces my whole body to lay in the tub.

I whimper and breathe heavily as chills run up and down my spine. The guy takes my torn and bloody clothes in his hands and starts walking toward the door. He stops right before it and turns around to face me.

"Don't even think about getting out of that tub. We have a surveillance camera in here to watch your every move. I'll be back later for you." He walks out leaving me cold, shivering, and confused.

Where am I? Why is my mom here? Why am I here? Who is he? Why did they jump me? Why do I have to stay in this tub of ice?

Those questions and more run through my brain, and all the unanswered questions will me to endure the biting cold of the ice surrounding me.

There's no way for me to keep time in here, and I tried counting, but quickly lost where I left off, since the cold is starting to mess with my brain.

I don't know how much time has passed by now, but my eyes slowly start to droop. I use all the power I can muster to keep them open, but it quickly wears out, and I finally let them close all the way.

As soon as I do, I'm hauled out of the tub. My eyes open a fraction, and I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. My body is ghostly pale, and my lips are blue, close to purple.

And I almost can't feel anything.

I do feel my body leave the ground though, and then I'm placed on another surface. My eyes close again, and I'm out like a light.

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