Chapter 14

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I feel like this story is getting sucky. Like more sucky than the beginning. What do you guys think? Should I even continue it? Honestly when I started writing this book, I only had the beginning planned out, so I'm currently just winging it.

"But I can't! I mean I'm...huh?"

"You're next in line to be the queen."

"But...but I'm not even a werewolf!"

"Well that's why you're here. You need to be prepared for your first shift."

"My what?" I ask, shocked. This is all just too much.

"Well, you first need to shift into a wolf, and then you can become queen. We need to prepare you because you will be in immense pain while you shift, since your bones change shape and whatnot."

"So you're telling me that everyday when I pass out, it's because you're preparing me for the pain that comes with my first shift into a wolf..." I trail off uncertainly. She nods, and I place my head in my hands.

"Although, you probably would have been dead by now if I hadn't gotten the witch to heel you while you were sleeping."

"A witch?!" I shriek.

"Yes, but that's not important right now. What is important, is now you know why you're here, so you need to try as hard as possible to train."

"How is this training?! I'm practically dying every day."

"You need to get used to the pain. When you shift, the pain will be worse than the pain you get now."

"And when am I going to shift?"

"On the next blood moon."

"Which is when?" I ask exasperatedly.

"In about five months."

***Unknown POV***

"Did you find her?" I ask Mason as he walks in my office. He clears his throat and shakes his head.

"Then why the hell are you here," I growl at him.

"Uh-um, well you see, there's a slight problem..." He backs up and steps out of fear as I stand up.

"And what would that be?" I ask in a calm voice, but inside I'm boiling mad.

"Well, there's just no tracks, and we have no idea where to look. We've already looked all around this area she was taken from, and way past that, it's almost as if she just vanished."

"That's not possible," I sigh tiredly.

"I know, but that's what it seems like. Sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault. Just send out more men and cover more ground. If we don't find her, then we'll try another way."

"Okay." He leaves and I groan as I bang my forehead against my desk repeatedly.

Where the hell could she have gone?

***Clara's POV***

I was given the rest of the day off to think over everything Mom told me.

I'm going to turn into a wolf, and become a werewolf.

I'm going to be in immense pain during my first shift.

I'm going to be a queen, of werewolves.

And I'm scared sh*tless.

I'm not fit to be a queen, let alone have to shift into a wolf.

But now that I know why I've had to go through all this, I won't complain and fight through it.

At least I know they won't let me die.

***Time skip because I'm not good at going into detail 🤷. Four months later.***

The huge buff dudes, who I learned we're all rogues, slowly stalk toward me. Bob (he told me his actual name is Zach, but I like Bob better, so whatever) is watching in the corner with a smirk on his face.

The first dude swings his fist toward me, and another has a spiked whip in his hand, ready to lash at me.

I quickly duck what would have been a blow to the face, and then roll out of the way as the other guy tries to whip me. I hear another come up behind me, so I quickly spin around and punch him in the gut, then the face, and lastly I kick him behind his knee, causing him to fall down.

Another comes from the side with a bat. As it is about to hit me, I grab the end of it with my hand and force it back toward him, making it push into his gut.


"Aw, why? We were just getting started," I whine playfully. Bob smiles a genuine smile.

"You're ready."

He lets me leave and I go back to my room. I walk to the restroom and look at myself in the full length mirror hanging on the door.

You can see the clearly defined muscles on my arms and legs, since I'm wearing a tank top and shorts. I lift the bottom of my shirt to reveal lots of scars, but under that, a six pack has formed.

It's been four months, and Bob says I'm ready, along with my mom. I had asked why it was necessary to learn to fight, and they said that word travels around fast, and people will most likely come after me once they find out what I am.

Mom had explained to me how she's going to let me go back to the pack that found me bleeding to death in the woods, but she has to blind fold me so I don't give off their 'secret location'.

Bob walks in my room and calls out for me. I walk out of the restroom and follow him out and down a narrow hallway I haven't been down in my four month stay here.

He puts the blind fold on me and steers me around, and eventually I feel soft grass beneath my bare feet. I'm put in a car, and we take off, me assuming Bob is driving.

We drive for quite awhile before he says I can take the blind fold off. I do, and am met with trees surrounding us on either side, and we're on a dirt road.

"How long have we been driving?" I ask tiredly. I'm really sleepy.

"About five hours. We're almost there, so don't pass out on me."

It's getting dark out, and eventually he puts the car to a stop.

"Why'd we stop here?" I ask. He gets out of the car and I follow suit.

"This is the edge of their pack lands. They'll sense us when we cross, but only you will. I need to head back."

"So this is the last time we'll see each other?" I jut my bottom lip out and he chuckles. We grew really close over the four months I was there, even though he whipped me every day. I have the scars to prove it, along with the ones I got from that wolf before. Practically all my skin is covered in scars.

"Not for long. We'll meet again soon."

"Kay bye." I smile and give him a side hug before I wander off into the woods. I'll have to find a building eventually, right?

Bob drives off and I continue walking through the woods. He actually sprayed this mist on me that hides my smell, so I can go undetected as long as I'm quiet.

I find a building, which I remember is the mansion I stayed in when I got better.

I decide to go around the back, not wanting to be seen yet. Luckily for me, I spot Isaac, handsome as ever, with his feet splashing in the water as he sits on the edge of the pool.

No one else is around, so I use my new stealth skills and slowly walk up to him. I had explained to Mom his weird behaviour around me, and she had told me that he's my mate. I was so ecstatic when she told me, but then I scolded myself as I remembered how I was scared of him and didn't want to talk to him. But hey, I didn't know back then. So mneh.

"Isaac?" My voice isn't loud, but it comes out confident. Bob told me I should always speak clearly and confidently. Life lessons here people.

His head spin around so fast, I hear a crack, and he stands up immediaty when he sees me.

"Clara?" He whispers, his eyes wide as saucers. I smile and nod.

And then I'm locked in a bone crushing hug.

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