Chapter 10

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The darkness lighted up in one flash, the once cold air turning burning hot and Jimin's eyes just widen more as a figure suddenly appears in the once black hole.

„What the— Ok guys it's not funny anymore!"
Jimin didnt find it at all funny. He was actually fucking scared as hell.
The figure looked like human? But it's limbs were hanging loosly to it's side, clothes ripped, dirty and full of dried blood. The face was barely visible since it's long, black hair was hanging in it's face. The only thing that was visible were the bloody red eyes, staring at Jimin, like a hunter it's prey...

Jimin lost his shit, dropped the pack or matches and ran. Ran till he reached the room with the others. Panting heavily, he finally arrived and jumped right into Hoseok's arms.
„Wow, wow. Jiminie? What's wrong?"
Jimin sobbed and hid his face in the other's chest.
„Why did you scare me like that!!?? It wasnt funny!!!"
„Huh? What? What do you mean?"
The blonde punches his arm, however not verry strong since his whole body was shaking.
„The writing on the wall! And the doll! That wasnt funny!"
Hoseok's expression turned worried and he laced his strong arms around the smaller individual.
„Ssshh Jimin. We didnt do anything. Are you sure youre ok?"
The blonde whipped his tears and got out of his arms.
„Fine! I'll just show you!"
Jimin takes Hoseok's hand and walks back to the scenario.


„I dont understand! It was right here on this wall and the doll was standing in that doorway!"
Jimin spoke between his cries out of fear. The red haired male was quiet as he watched, worried Jimin seemed to have hit his head.
Sighing slightly he stepped over to the door and—
„Hyung no!"
tried to open it.
But it was looked.
„Jimin, look it's locked. Nothing is here. You must have hit your hit."
The blonde protested but Hoseok pulled him into his arms.
„Come let's go back so you can rest baby."
Jimin just nods in defeat, staying quiet as they walk back.


Yoongi got Jimin tucked into his sleeping back, kissing his nose softly while Hoseok told the others what Jimin told him.
No one seemed to believe Jimin.
He didnt even believe himself.
It was probably just his imagination.
„Now where are the matches? Taehyung is freezing. I'm not letting him freeze any longer."
The blonde rubbed his eyes and sat up.
„I dropped them when I—Nevermind, I'll go get them..."
He gets up and once again leaves the room, waddling back.

The group begins to talk again, ocassionally laughing at jokes.

Meanwhile Jimin had found the matches, picking them up and walking back.
Just as he was about to enter the room again, something flashed in the corner, making tje blonde turn his head to look.

Right infront of him, standing the same figure from before, those horrorfying, high pitched giggles leaving it's so called mouth, which rather looked like a big, ripped open hole with huge in blood covered teeth.

Jimin flinches and jumps back
„Guys! The doll is here again!"
His voice is soft and it just comes out as a whine.
Barely heard but he still got some responses.
Though not those he wished for.
„Snap out of it Jimin!"
„Bring the damn matches already!"
Nobody believed him...because when he said something last time it wasnt true...

The group continued to talk but Jimin grew silent...

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