Chapter 21

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Guess who came back from the dead!!
Me lol
I'm really sorry for being so inactive but I was really busy with exams (more than I thought lol) and I wasnt in a great state of mind :/
But now I'm back and have plenty of time to finally finish this story!
I hope all of you could wait this long and will stick with me till the end^^


They were best friends.
Hoseok was not just going to turn his back and save himself, knowing that Namjoon was left behind. No. He was going to fight with him. If they made it out alive or not. But he was fighting for everything he had. He fought so Namjoon wouldnt be alone, he fought to make sure Yoongi could get out alive, he fought so the older could bring Jimin to the hospital.

Meanwhile, Yoongi had arrived on the ground and looked back up, expecting to see Hoseok and Namjoon following him.
But no. „Hobi! Namjoon! You guys can come!"
But all that Yoongi was met with was yelling, screaming and then silence. „Fuck!" The male cursed out and carefully placed Jimin into the welted gras, starting to climb the latter back up. As he reached half of it, he started hearing panting and something drip onto his head.
Yoongi bolted his head up, starring into a horrific face of a Zombie, looking out of the window, from who's mouth blood was dripping.
„Shit-„ The mint haired male immediately climbed back down. He wanted to help Namjoon and Hoseok, but who was going to bring Jimin to safety?
So with the hardest desicion he had to make, Yoongi jumped off the latter, picked up the blonde boy and darted off.
Luckily, seconds later he found the car, unlocked it and placed Jimin into the backseat.
Yoongi gazed over the gardens and the house, till he spotted a small figure infront of a gate.
„Jungkook!" The figure lifted its head and waved Yoongi over, who quickly hurried over, seconds later a frown forming on his face. „Where's Taehyung?.."
Just at the boy's name, Jungkook let out a broken sob and threw himself in the smallers arms. „I-I dont k-know...h-he's not p-picking up..."
Yoongi held the younger close and cursed under his breath. „Try calling again.."
Jungkook nodded and started dialing Taehyung's phone number again.
Immediately a phone ringing was heard just around the corner.

Jungkook's eyes lighted up and he stood up. „Taehyung!"
But the thing coming around the corner was not Taehyung. Another horrific Zombie, with Taehyung's phone in its hands.
„NO!!" Jungkook yelled in sadness and rage when he realized that Taehyung was...gone.
And Yoongi, with all his might, had to pull Jungkook back so he wouldnt attack the thing that was coming at them. „JUNGKOOK WE HAVE TO GO!"
„I-..." The poor boy couldnt form sentances as the tears rolled over his cheeks and sobs started to escape him, while Yoongi forcefully pulled the maknae to the car.

Yoongi opened the door for Jungkook, who was now full on crying, his own heart breaking at the sight, but also the thought of having lost Hoseok and the others...

He quickly got in the driver seat and started the car. „I really hope they dont follow..."

But what was gonna happen now that they had opened the doors for those creatures?...

Zombie Apocalypse                                                 •Taekook FF•Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя