Chapter 16

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"I don't like this kookie...", Taehyung's grip tightend around the younger's arm as they walked down the dark halls, their only light coming from the small flashlight which was tightly held in Jungkook's hand. "It's ok Tae...Don't worry. I'll protect you.", with his typical bunny smile, he smiled down at Taehyung, who responded it with a slight nod and a box smile of his own.
The rotten wood underneath their feet crunched and squeaked, making it sound like loud whines, crying out for help to save it. "How big is this house anyway?...It's so much bigger then it looks like from the outside...", Taehyun mumbles to himself, glancing at the paintings, which followed them along the wall.

"Jimin!", Yoongi and Hobi hurried over to the huddled up body, kneeling down. "No, No, No, No....Jimin!" Hoseok rolled the blonde onto his back, shaking him slightly. "Be careful Hoseok...his wounds!" The red haired male nodded and got up, pulling out his phone. "We need to call an ambulance. Now!" "I know but there is no signal!" Hoseok sighed and moved over, gently picking the small, injured boy up.
"I'll carry him. Let's go. This house is fucked and we gotta get Jimin to a hospital." Yoongi nodded and got up. "What about the others?..." Hoseok kicked the door opened and speed walked out as Yoongi followed him. "Shit...uh...I think they'll also come out. I don't want you going in and also getting hurt." Yoongi smiled slightly at that and nodded. "Let's get Jimin out first."

"Jin faster!", Namjoon ran down the halls, the wood groaning underneath him. His hand held tightly onto his lovers hand as they hurried down the halls, weird sounds were heard behind them. "I'm already running as fast as I can!", the older cried out, bottom lip trembling as he held onto Namjoon's hand, trying to run faster.
Behind them two disgusting looking creatures following them. Both of them looked like the thing that had hurt Jimin. Red eyes, limbs hanging from their body, blood and bones exposed.

Both of them were running as fast as they could but of course, fate didnt let them get away. The rotten wood groaned loudly before it snapped, Namjoon falling to the ground, letting go of Jin's hand so he wouldnt fall. The older tumbled forward and turned around. "Go! I'll be right with you!", Jin nodded. He knew Namjoon was a fast runner, so he turned around and went on.
But Namjoon didn't follow. "Fuck!" He couldn't get his foot out, which was caught in the hole were the wood had snapped. The things following them were near...

Jin once more looked back and saw how Namjoon couldn't get up and how those things were about to get him. "Namjoon!", he yells befor sprinting back. Jin kneeled down and helped his lover, almost having his foot out, Jin could feel the hot breath of the monsters hitting his neck. "Jin, run!", Namjoon widend his eyes, wanting his lover to get himself to safety.

Jin looks up at Namjoon, his eyes glancing with tears, a sad smile on his lips. "I love you Namjoon...", he presses a quick last kiss to the others lips before he got up and faced the monsters throwing himself onto them.
"JIN!", Namjoon cried out as he watched, but finally could remove his foot from the hole, climbing back onto his feet. "Go!", Jin yelled when he was dragged away into the darkness.

The tears rolled down his red cheeks before he turned around and ran. He wanted to stay and fight but...Jin had sacrificed himself to save him...he wasn't going to let that be a waste.

"I love you Jin...I always will..."

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