Boys At Camp | 6

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I woke up still in Liam's arms, almost being suffocated by him. I coughed loudly in hopes of waking him up, but to no avail. I got bored just laying there and tried to shimmy out of his arms, but it's like he had some sort of sixth sense, 'cause he just held onto me tighter. I sighed miserably and laid my head back on the pillow, waiting for Liam to wake up.

After about twenty boring minutes Liam finally woke up. "God, it's about damn time." I said when Liam finally loosened his grip on me. "Yeah yeah." He mumbled in that sexy voice of his. Ah! What the hell was I thinking? Liam was not sexy. Okay, even I knew that was a lie. But I still had a little self pride left.

"Get outta my bed, fat ass." I said, pushing Liam out of the bed. "Ah!" He yelled, falling to the floor with a loud 'thud'. I laughed as he pulled himself off the ground and glared at me, crossing his arms over his bare chest. "I'm getting in the shower." He grumbled, heading into the bathroom. I laughed again and hopped out of bed, walking over to my suitcase that I had yet to unpack.

I never really got around to it to be honest. I grabbed a tee shirt and a pair of black leather pants. (Don't judge my poor fashion choices, okay?) I quickly put on my clothes and went into the bathroom, seeing steam emitting from the shower. "Who's there?" Liam asked, peeking his head out of the shower. "What the hell are you doing, Elliot?" He asked, glaring at me in annoyance.

"Brushing my teeth." I said, grabbing my toothbrush and putting toothpaste on it. He just rolled his eyes and continued his shower as I brushed my teeth. I threw my toothbrush back on the counter and went back into the bedroom, waking Chase and Nate up. "GET UP, BITCHES!" I yelled, making both them glare at me.

"We are not your bitches." Chase said, getting out of bed. "Only a top can make someone their bitch." He added, grabbing some clothes out of his dresser. I held a hand to my chest in fake hurt. "That's offensive!" I yelled. "I didn't say it wasn't offensive. It's just the truth. Face it, Elliot. You're a bottom." He shrugged, pulling on a pair of khaki shorts.

"Whatever." I grumbled, grabbing my phone and checking the time. It read 9:37, so we still had time to go get breakfast. "Hurry up, pansies. I'm hungryyyy." I whined, plopping down on my bed. "God you're impatient." Liam said, walking into the room with only a towel around his waist. "Shut up." I said, giving him the finger.

He laughed and borrowed some of Nate's clothes, changing quickly. After we all changed we went to the cafeteria to get breakfast. "Damn, it actually smells pretty good in here." Liam said, holding the door as we went into the cafeteria.  "What's on the menu today?" I asked Joseph, who stood by the vending machine, waving at the campers.

"French toast today." He said, a smile on his face. I nodded my head and grabbed a tray, letting the workers pile food on my plate. We got our food and all of us sat down at our usual table, eating our breakfast. "This is actually good." Chase said in shock. "I know." Nate said, dunking his french toast in syrup.

We talked casually as we ate and finished our food, dumping our trays. "Alright campers. Today is field day!" Joseph announced once everyone had finished their breakfast. I sighed miserably. I sucked at sports. Chase and Nate looked pretty pumped about field day, though. "Dumb athletic people." I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Good luck." Liam said, snickering at me. I just glared at him. "Alright, the counselors and I will split you up into teams and we'll have different competitions." Joseph said. He and a couple other workers split us up into a few different teams and we all went outside to the basketball court.

"I don't know how to play basketball." I said once we were all out on the court. One of the counselors quickly filled me in on how to play and we started the game. One of the guys on my team passed me the ball and I got all flustered. "SHOOT!" The guy yelled, making me turn my head. Someone ran by me and in one swift move, stole the ball right out of my hands.

I blushed in embarrassment and said, "Whoops." My teammates rolled there eyes and let out a string of curse words. "Fucking dumb." A guy mumbled, shouldering past me and almost knocking me down. "Aye! Watch the hair, asshole." I yelled, fixing my rainbow locks. "Homo." He mumbled. What a dick!

I ignored him and purposely did everything wrong in the game, just to piss him off. "You suck at this." Liam said once the game was over. "Shut the hell up. I'm better than you." I said, snapping my fingers in his face. "You're definitely gay." Chase said from behind me. "And proud!" I said, snapping my fingers in his face as well.

We played many more games for the rest of the day, which included football, soccer, hockey, and running track. I sucked at all of those sports by the way. I got tackled by Liam in football and it put us in a very suggestive position. I'm honestly surprised that I didn't get hard from the contact.

After me embarrassing myself in every sport we played, it was finally dinner time. Chase, Nate, Liam and I walked into the cafeteria and got our trays, eyeing the fish skeptically. It didn't look like fish, but it sure as hell smelled like it. The smell was revolting, making me almost gag. "I think I'm good on dinner." I said, pushing my tray away once we'd sat down.

"Me too." Nate said, picking at his food. We talked about random things until dinner was over, then we dumped our trays. We followed the rest of the group over to the bonfire, where the counselors were carrying marshmallows and skewers, along with Hershey's chocolate and graham crackers.

There were no trees around where we were, allowing us a perfect view of the sunset over the horizon. It looked beautiful. "Enjoying the view?" Liam whispered next to me so only I could hear. "Yeah." I mumbled, my eyes fixed on the sky. No one I knew from my school liked the beauty of nature the way I did, so it was nice to have someone to share stuff like this with.

We all took a seat on the logs surrounding the fire, waiting on it to warm up. There was a small breeze blowing, keeping it cooled off outside. Once the fire was warm enough we began roasting the marshmallows. "Who's ready for a s'more?" One of the counselors asked, opening up a pack of chocolate. "Me." I said, blowing on my marshmallow to keep it from burning up.

She walked over to me and opened a pack of graham crackers, putting some chocolate on it and smashing my marshmallow on it. "Thanks." I said, offering her a small smile. "You're welcome." She said, returning the smile. I ate my s'more quietly, watching the sunset as I ate. We stayed outside eating s'mores for about an hour, giving the sun enough time to sink below the horizon as the stars began to come out.

"It's such a beautiful night." I mumbled to myself as I ate my third s'more. "Isn't it?" Someone said from behind me, startling me a bit. I turned around to face Liam, who had a casual smirk on his face. "Most of the nights are pretty clear out here." He said, plopping down on the log beside me. "Cool." I said, finishing my s'more.

We watched the sky silently as more stars popped out, the moon giving a magnificent glow over the lake. "You never see nights like this in the city." I sighed, leaning my head on Liam's shoulder. "Nah, too much pollution that covers the sky." He said, resting his hand on my leg. "Me and my grandma used to watch the stars all the time at her house." Liam added.

"Yep, that's kind of a turn off." I said, leaning my head off his shoulder and standing up. "I'll see you later Liam." I said, waving at him and heading back to the cabins. It was such a beautiful night out. It seemed hard to believe that some people didn't care for nature, or the natural beauty of the world.

I found those people to be weirdos. Who wouldn't want to watch a sunset with an incredibly hot guy? Okay, so maybe I though Liam was attractive, but that didn't mean that I liked him. Did it?


Lowkey, I did not no where to end this chapter tbh. But here's the late update. My longest chapter so far. Thx for reading!! Vote and Comment?? <3

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